Museums around the world are threatened by lots of things today, but usually the mafia isn’t included in that long list. The Contemporary Art Museum of Casoria (CAM, for short), […]
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You searched for: Structure
What’s the Big Idea? For corporations, growth is a quarterly concern — a hope maybe, but not a necessity. For small businesses and nonprofits, stagnation isn’t an option: it’s grow […]
The remarkable magnetic properties of certain types of bacteria improve MRI scans by enhancing the appearance of unwanted structures in the body, like tumors and cancers.
Interview with Jason Silva by Frank Rose One afternoon recently I spent a couple of hours with Jason Silva, the longtime Current TV host who’s been making much-talked-about micro-videos about the […]
— Guest post by Emma Waldman, American University student. Scientist-turned filmmaker Randy Olson argues that it takes more than literal-minded facts and information to communicate about topics like climate change to […]
Today the Friends of Yemen met in Riyadh. One of the key issues, as it often is at these meetings, is that of foreign aid. Several days ago a group […]
The most sensitive listening device ever has been created from a gold sphere just 60 nanometers in diameter, which may allow scientists to hear the body’s cells for the first time.
A newly discovered hormone, produced by the body during exercise, is enabling scientists to better understand how exercise works at the cellular level to prevent diseases like obesity and diabetes.
Margaret Atwood’s philosofro is almost as engaging and intricately structured as her internationally acclaimed novels Cat’s Eye and The Handmaid’s Tale. NEXT >>
Can we be “post-racial” through music? Should we even want to?
Despite an average of 500 protests a day, mostly against local government officials, China as a whole remains remarkably stable. Protesters draw the line at questioning Beijing’s rule.
Once limited to making one-off prototypes, 3D printers are advancing rapidly. Already they are used to make durable airplane parts and may be used to revolutionize architecture.
Twentieth-century liberalism lives on in forms of the social contract that are outmoded for the twenty-first century’s globalized, technological world. Liberalism today is entirely reactive, fending off attempts by conservatism […]
If there’s a villain in Rosalind E. Krauss’ newest book, Under Blue Cup, it’s Marcel Duchamp. Art fell in the toilet with the dawn of Duchamp’s Fountain.
Irish poet Eavan Boland published her first collection, a pamphlet entitled 23 Poems, fifty years ago. To commemorate the milestone I’d like to offer this brief retrospective of her distinguished career. […]
Editorial Note: This is a guest contribution from KristenWolf, author of The Way, which was was recently selected by Oprah for her Reading List. Everyone grows up under the shadow of religion. No matter your […]
A worldwide battle for control of the Internet looms, which could soon pit the U.S. against the rest of the world. Starting this week in Geneva, at the World Conference […]
Contrary to scientists’ expectations, the genes of individuals who live to be over 110 years-old are pretty normal. At the genetic level, supercentarians are just like everyone else.
Will longer working lives – like longer working hours – mean fewer people being employed? We’re almost certain to find out, as Malthus rears his well-coiffed head again.
Facebook can be used as an important business tool, especially when it comes to getting customer feedback. Some companies specialize in turning friends and followers into focus groups.
Earlier this year, Berkeley psychologist Alison Gopnik published an essay entitled, “What’s Wrong With the Teenage Mind?” in the Wall Street Journal. It was a very interesting piece—and one that […]
The battle over Bisphenol A (BPA) rages on, and continues to teach lessons far beyond the particulars of the issue itself. Environmentalists argue that BPA (the supposedly dangerous chemical […]
Recent research confirms there are concrete steps you can take to increase your intelligence. And thanks to the brain’s neuroplasticity, scientists now believe it is never to late to start.
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11, U.S. Constitution: “The Congress shall have Power To declare War” Rep. Ron Paul in the U.S. House of Representatives, October 3, 2002: “The process by which […]
An increasing number of colleges are beginning to offer courses or entire programs devoted to green business practices. Bard College is the latest to offer an MBA in sustainable business.
Big Think juxtaposes two unique perspectives on the state of the union. Tea Party pioneer Keli Carender writes the blog Redistributing Knowledge, which is coming soon to Big Think. Eric Sanders is a vocal supporter of the Occupy Movement.
If it is not illegal for a devout Muslim to become the president of the United States, why are people so hell bent on trying to prove that President Obama […]
Year-end performance reviews are meant to help organizational goals and advance people’s careers but often the have the opposite effect of ramping up anxiety and tanking morale.
–Guest post by Xiao He, American University graduate student. Developments in Web marketing and social media provide new platforms and strategies for pharmaceutical companies to interact with investors. Among the […]
No, not outer space. The very space in which everything exists is still poorly understood by physicists. Since Einstein, we have known space has a structure but not how it functions.