[This is Post 2 for my guest blogging stint at The Des Moines Register.] Archimedes said “Give me a lever long enough and I can move the world.” This week […]
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You searched for: Math
One could hardly call me a conspiracy theorist; I don’t put much stock in Area 51 theories, alternate possibilities of the JFK assassination, or any such popular underground thoughts. But […]
The Guardian’s Matt Parker will introduce seven of mathematics’ most intractable problems. To win a million dollars, all you have to do is solve one.
“Why aren’t there more women math professors? Or engineering professors, or physics professors, or professors of computer science or economics?” Is motherhood be to blame?
SETI’s search for extraterrestrial life has failed for decades. A likely reason might be they are looking for aliens who look like your neighbors at twilight.
“The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind–creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers, and meaning makers,” says Daniel Pink on the opening […]
As a school law instructor and tenured associate professor of educational leadership, I perhaps have a different view of tenure than most P-12 teachers. As we look to what the […]
Here are my notes from Dr. Yong Zhao’s presentation, Catching Up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization, at the 2009 School Administrators of Iowa (SAI) conference… […]
More news coming out of Yemen about the bomber’s id. Faysal Mukrim in al-Hayat, reports what News Yemen had yesterday, although his math is off by about a decade. But […]
At birth, children’s brains are prepared to learn from social agents—other members in a group. New research suggests this “social brain” helps a person learn over a lifetime.
I have been mulling over the theme “reconciling standards with 21st century learning” for a few weeks now, or to be honest, for the last sixteen years or so (I […]
Here are my notes from Tuesday’s Professional Development Roundtable sponsored by the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA). This was an EXCELLENT conversation. n Effective professional development for educators n […]
Image by opensourceway This summer I have been conducting an experiment. Rather, I have been engaged in a personal project. I call it Twitter Book Club. Twitter Book Club is […]
The Ames (IA) Community School District – my kids’ district – is hiring both a new superintendent and a new high school principal for next year. Below is the letter […]
The world of parenting was presented with a gentle and nudging article in the New York Times last week on the importance of maintaining an imaginative and fun environment for children.The […]
Each device that connects to the Internet is assigned an I.P. address, but we are quickly approaching the numerical 4.3 billion limit. The Daily Beast on possible solutions.
The past four decades have seen major transformation in the roles and evolving responsibilities of employerswith regard to the lives of their employees. While business has changed with the ‘times,’ […]
How can an entire universe come out of nothing? This would seem to violate the conservation of matter and energy, but Michio Kaku explains the answer.
Do science journalists have weird psychic powers? You might think so, given the near simultaneity of publications this fall on the touchy theme of studies that don’t really prove what they’re supposed to have proved.
In a technology-based culture, you learn from infancy that truth is what can be counted and measured. That makes it easy to divide any conversation into what you learned (important!) […]
Being a college professor has definitely made me realize how many students are “terrified” (their words) about math and science. Many have gotten the idea that you need to be […]
The world’s top mathematics prize that outshines even the Nobel, the Fields Medal ceremony in India contrasts the romanticized and turbulent life of mathematical revolutionaries.
1 Wired Science – Wired Blog 2 Watts Up With That? 3 Climate Progress 4 Environmental Capital 5 Dispatches from the Culture Wars 6 TierneyLab – New York Times blog […]
Yesterday, Ezra Klein flagged an excellent idea from progressive think tank The Third Way: why don’t we give taxpayers a receipt for their taxes? As The Third Way’s David Kendall […]
“Many problems which are more prevalent lower down the social ladder are worse in societies with bigger income differences, and second, almost everyone would benefit from reduced inequality.”
Science fiction writer Catherine Asaro is also a ballet dancer and a math teacher who believes thatphysics and dancing are much more closely related than you might think
The developer behind Winamp and the gnutella network thinks that we shouldn’t be able to patent something that is essentially just math. Software, like DNA, is so abstract that it […]
3 min
The U.S. education system is based on the meritocratic principle that no matter what the circumstances of a child’s birth, each should have a baseline level of education and the […]
I just had to sign a loyalty oath as a condition of my employment at a California state university. The California constitution requires all state employees to sign the oath. […]
The promotion of math and science in Muslim countries would serve American interests better than starting wars, says an Obama science advisor and Nobel Laureate Ahmed Zewail.