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Happy Anniversary, Curiosity Rover! The little machine that’s like a real-life Pixar hero has been exploring NASA for one Martian year. August 5th, 2012 was the exact date when it […]
Stargazers have something to look forward to. Over the next few months, a pair of colorful bright objects will be visible close together–Mars and Spica. Next week in particular, Mars […]
Last month, near Fairbanks, in central Alaska, John Chumack, an astrophotographer, captured this incredible shot while leading his annual aurora tour, according to NASA. What does the aurora look like […]
What created this hole on Mars? And why are researchers so excited about it? From NASA’s website: The hole appears to be an opening to an underground cavern, partly illuminated […]
NASA released this image of Mars up close. Even if you don’t have your 3D glasses handy, it’s still an amazing shot of Mount Sharp on the horizon as well […]
What is a sunset like on Mars? The image and question may seem like something out of The Little Prince. Luckily, NASA’s robotic rover Spirit, sent to the “Red Planet” […]