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Incredible photos of the “blood moon” on April 15th show that the lunar eclipse was quite dramatic, as of course expected. Tuesday’s reddish moon is the first in a series […]
If spinning-and-moving charges make magnetic fields, why does a giant neutral thing have one? Image credit: NASA, Chandra X-ray Observatory, SAO, DSS, via “By allowing the positive ions to […]
Sometimes images captured by NASA look like works of art. This one looks painted in the style of Chiaroscuro, sharp contrasts between light and dark. NASA explains why: Deep shadows […]
An entire home can potentially be built in a day using a 3D printer. A revolutionary technology initially developed to build emergency housing, Contour Crafting has NASA excited. And it […]
In my debut column last week, I discussed how the financing landscape is radically changing through crowdfunding. Naturally, everyone is catching onto this phenomenon, including celebrities. But now that Zach […]
This could be a photograph snapped during a family vacation to the Grand Canyon. These are the tire-tracks of the car-sized Mars rover Curiosity. NASA reports that the future Pixar […]
The term ‘anger management’ has long been utilized in corporate and educational environments alike. Workshops on dealing with the seething potentiality of rage often employ that age-old maxim of calm […]
In order to better visualize the Martian moon Phobos, images from the European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter have been combined to create a virtual rotation movie.
The mission would have to take advantage of next alignment of Earth and Mars, which occurs in 2017. Miss that window and we’ll have to wait another 15 years to take advantage of the orbital dynamics of the planets, which significantly reduce the distance and cost of the trip. 
This illustration represents the possible extent of an ancient lake inside Gale Crater on Mars. Examination of mudstone confirmed the exist of the lake which formed billions of years ago.