A DIALOGUE BETWEEN JASON SILVA AND TECHNO-ECOLOGIC SCHOLAR RICHARD DOYLE Richard Doyle also goes by mobius, an indicator of just how important interconnections are to him – and how transformative, […]
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FYI, Episode 3 of 4 Guys Talking is today at noon Central. Follow the link to the live Internet stream, which also includes the call-in number if you want to give us a ring!
FYI, Episode 2 of 4 Guys Talking is today at 2pm Central. Follow the link to the live Internet stream, which also includes the call-in number if you want to […]
When the telephone was invented, there were similar fears that human interaction would suffer, but neither it, nor the internet, changes fundamentally human traits like love and friendship.
Not a Bubble. I’ve just returned from a vacation to Kaua’i and have been catching up on the news that happened while I was away… there sure was a lot […]
Here’s a short video on Internet safety (hat tip to Kevin Honeycutt). Happy viewing!
Submit your questions now in advance of Big Think’s interview with this controversial thinker and visionary.
David Warlick is a wonderful speaker and an even more wonderful person. I was very fortunate to spend some time with him last night and this morning. I have very […]
All three kinds appear among the new books about the Internet: call them the Never-Betters, the Better-Nevers, and the Ever-Wasers.
Google has already built an organizational culture that puts a premium on innovation. As Bloomberg News points out, it looks like the company is taking steps to ensure that it […]
The three keys to creativity [Edward de Bono] Thoughts to make work better and your life easier [Thoughtopsy] Hugh Macleod introduces the Blue Monster cartoon for Microsoft [Gaping Void] Weyerhaeuser […]
Social media sites have been credited with helping protesters in Egypt organize and spread news before the government blackout. But is the importance of communications technology to modern revolutions overblown?
Two high-ranking ministers made headlines this week by falling out of line with the governments they represent. They are U.S. Ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman, and Libya’s Ambassador to the U.S., Ali Ojli.
The authors of Blown to Bits, an absolutely superb book on life ‘after the digital explosion,’ note that There is a difference … between ‘public’ and ‘readily accessible.’ Public records […]
I was informed today that Dangerously Irrelevant AND LeaderTalk both made Edutopia’s short list of “edublogs they love.” Here’s the link: Edublogs we love: Ten top stops for Internet interaction […]
Amidst the nuclear crisis in Japan, the F.D.A. is alerting consumers to be wary of internet sites and other retail outlets promoting products making false claims to prevent or treat effects of radiation.
Ten Ways To Be Your Own Boss View more presentations from fredwilson. In his presentation at the Behance 99% Conference in New York, venture capitalist Fred Wilson outlined his views […]
Loss-making Twitter has been valued at $10 billion. Facebook is said to be worth more than Ford. Now, for some investors, the alarm bells are starting to ring.
The next great billion-dollar concept on the Web might just involve airbed mattresses, second-hand couches and the ability to swap and share local accommodations on a global scale. A group […]
Francis Fukuyama argues that China’s repressive state apparatus is far more sophisticated than the regimes in the Middle East that have fallen during the so-called Arab Spring.
The actor and Internet entrepreneur shares insights from his grandfather James Rouse’s career as a pioneering urban planner—insights that are relevant to all leaders.
4 min
UPDATE: Contest Deadline is Friday, March 11th at 8 a.m. EST and the Five Winners will be Announced Next Week – Stay Tuned! Imagine, if you can, the world in the […]
I’m getting more requests to come speak to groups. Here are 8 items that are indispensable to me as a presenter (click on each image for a larger version)… 1. Presentation remote […]
The Japanese Web site Information Architects has once again created a wonderful graphical representation of the most popular Internet destinations. Here, the 200 most successful websites have been located on […]
In recent years, scientists have begun to outline the surprising benefits of not paying attention. Sometimes, too much focus can backfire; all that caffeine gets in the way.
Understanding Most Significant Change [Shop Talk Marketing] Royal Dutch Shell and the end of peak oil [The Weekly Standard] The Innovation Slush Fund [Innovate on Purpose] Creativity: What can I […]
Ever wanted to become part of a collaborative Internet community where individuals, experts and companies come together to transform ideas into true innovation? Taking advantage of the buzz surrounding crowdsourcing […]
Innovative startups are using virtual worlds like Second Life and Twinity as virtual classrooms for people to learn new skills and languages. Could this one day replace brick-and-mortar classrooms?
As a professor at a large research institution, I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of academic publishing. While this topic may not seem to be of interest to […]
It seems inevitable that the number of books sold through bookstores will plummet, says Judge Posner. Traditional bookstores are doomed, concurs Nobel Laureate Becker.