The science community needs to partner with expert organizations in creating a new communication infrastructure about climate change that isn’t centered on scientific-information or the communication of risks.
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This week, the global cities of Bogota, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, and Milan celebrate “Social Media Week,” with events and seminars focused on the use of digital media for building […]
“Odd as it may seem, the first generation that cannot imagine life without the Internet doesn’t actually consider the medium particularly important, and indeed shuns some of the latest web technologies.”
Philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah sparked an internet meme with his op/ed entitled “What Will Future Generations Condemn Us For“? The challenge is to predict which widely accepted practices or institutions […]
It’s often said that children are the designers of humanity’s future. International research consultancy Latitude and ReadWriteWeb decided to take the adage literally, asking children to envision the future of […]
One of the great paradoxes of contemporary society is that Americans by way of the Internet and specialized cable TV channels have greater access to scientific information than at any […]
“The only constant is change, continuing change, inevitable change: that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not […]
The director of the National Institute of Health is a Christian who supports accelerating embryonic stem-cell research. The New Yorker profiles the man who draws fire from all sides.
“The FCC has halted discussions amid reports spread that Google and Verizon will propose their own, less regulatory framework for Net neutrality.” The L.A. Times says the FCC must act now.
Today’s customers expect more from leading companies and brands than they ever have before. As enlightened consumers empowered by the Internet, they have the power to propel brands to tremendous […]
After saying the Internet is a superorganism in which individuals are but single cells, Robert Wright says increasing interconnectedness brings forward wider spiritual concerns.
The net neutrality framework laid out by Google and Verizon exempts wireless networks from rules that would govern broadband service and allows providers to set up Internet ‘toll lanes’.
Here is the uncomfortable truth for those, like me, who oppose Google and Verizon’s policy suggestion to the FCC concerning net neutrality: money talks and money walks. Investment and innovation […]
In the wake of the global financial meltdown, economist Bernard Lietaer thinks communities should consider creating their own alternative currencies.
Last week I posted about the increasing problem of incivility at comment sections for blogs and news sites. As I noted at the end of the discussion thread that was […]
The answer lies somewhere in between, says Nisbet.
5 min
My 1G phone was working just fine. The Super Glue was still holding the curved piece of plastic along the top of my five year old flip phone, a piece […]
“TV shows are emerging as a new front in the war over digital media between Inc. and Apple Inc., amid their ongoing battles over electronic books and online music.”
One of the most wonderful things about the emerging global superbrain is that information is overflowing on a scale beyond what we can wrap our heads around.
The online game Blizzard now makes its users submit their real first and last names in order to post comments. True/Slant asks if this is the end of Internet anonymity.
“Over the last decade there has been a fundamental revolution in how we communicate,” says Matthew Nisbet, professor of communications at American University and Big Think’s newest blogger. The rigid […]
Robert Wright says that the Internet is scattering our brains, sacrificing individual coherence for a superorganism where people are but single cells of a greater, electronic being.
Over at the Columbia Journalism Review, Cristine Russell is back from the World Federation of Science Journalists conference and reports on a panel of leading editors who are generally optimistic […]
“Any gamer, or parent of a gamer, will know the feeling. There’s a boss that just can’t be defeated.” A gamer and father on whether discovering a game’s secrets online is cheating.
For the past few weeks, I’ve been discussing the advantages and challenges relevant to open-access publishing in academia. For those with a special interest in this topic and who want […]
An iconoclastic economist at Cambridge University has likened free-market capitalism to that of the brainwashed characters in the film The Matrix, unwitting pawns in a fake reality.
Got a volcano questions that’s been bugging you? Send it my way for the Eruptions Mailbag.
“For the most part, a lot of those early users were actually Steve and me with aliases. We had silly user names that we just generated in order to make […]