Even with the best technology imaginable, you’d probably never be able to exist as a consciously aware brain in a vat.
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Almost everyone asserts that the Big Bang was the beginning of everything, followed by inflation. Has everyone gotten the order wrong?
Tech entrepreneur Alvin Wang Graylin sketches out a bold new age of AI-led enlightenment underscored by compassion.
The Multiverse fuels some of the 21st century’s best fiction stories. But its supporting pillars are on extremely stable scientific footing.
The recent discovery of a large cave on the Moon highlights the importance of caves not just for future space explorers but astrobiology as well.
The Big Bang theory is not threatened, but astrophysicists have some explaining to do.
Aiming to unlock the secrets of his unconscious mind, Jung experimented with intensive daydreaming.
Better cognitive control over our decisions can stave off disappointment in our actions.
The miniaturization of particle accelerators could disrupt medical science.
Even with the quantum rules governing the Universe, there are limits to what matter can withstand. Beyond that, black holes are unavoidable.
The technology is not a replacement for human labor — it’s a way to complement existing human tasks.
The former Nintendo president has become synonymous with the backlash against layoffs — because, like a great leader, he focused on lifting people.
Being more creative doesn’t require a ‘Muse.’ It’s about pairing intelligence and imagination.
From the Palace of the Soviets to The Illinois, these unmade buildings would have taken the art of architecture to whole new heights.
After almost a century in print, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” still has lessons to teach us.
Some 13.8 billion years ago, the Universe became hot, dense, and filled with high-energy quanta all at once. Here’s what it was like.
The zero-point energy of empty space is not zero. Even with all the physics we know, we have no idea how to calculate what it ought to be.
And can we run the grid of the future without AI?
Computers are growing more powerful and more capable, but everything has limits
You can only create or destroy matter by creating or destroying equal amounts of antimatter. So how did we become a matter-rich Universe?
In ancient Rome, collective bathing was the norm. In the West today, it’s the exception — and that’s too bad.
Fire was crucial to the evolution of human technology. That’s why alien species stuck in the “oxygen bottleneck” may be forever primitive.
Give yourself (and others) a break.
Modern robotics are creating a kind of cultural paradox, where the best religion is the one that eventually involves no humans at all.
There are two methods to measure the expansion rate of the Universe. The results do not agree with each other, and this is a big problem.
Three of the greatest moral philosophers — Bentham, Kant and Aristotle — offer invaluable and practical lessons for leaders today.
When leaders connect enterprise ambition with the driving spirit of activism, everyone wins.
Take a hint from Einstein and Mozart — unplug and make peace with some degree of failure.
If the Universe is expanding, and the expansion is accelerating, what does that tell us about the cause of the expanding Universe?
The global extent of the Revolutionary War surprises many Americans today — but it was crucial to independence.