On the 60th anniversary of its publication, Lord of the Flies continues to be a valuable literary and cultural reference point and, more surprisingly, an instructive manual about contemporary political life—and its liabilities.
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You searched for: Fish
Ever wonder why they stand on one leg? Surprisingly, physics holds the answer! “Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? […]
It is unclear how extensively the radiation has been spread by other fish throughout the ocean’s ecosystem.
Public health campaigns have been ineffective. So the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation issued a grand challenge to design “a next-generation condom that significantly preserves or enhances pleasure.”
Over the past few years, government has discovered that it can accomplish a lot when it sets aside the notion that human beings are rational. Rather than giving people good […]
So I differ from many other non-libertarian conservatives by appreciating many of America’s huge national and multinational chain institutions, such as Walmart and Waffle House. I was glad to discover […]
The second map adds the crucial third dimension
“There’s no such thing as a stupid question.” We’d now like to present eleven more, courtesy of the same esteemed panel of “logic-dodging” jokesters over at Reddit that came up with the original list.
Sea anemones, which provide shelter for the clownfish and other fish species, are dealing with the same ecological threats as coral reefs as water temperatures continue to rise.
A business throws out pollution but doesn’t have to account for it or pay for it.
Memories triggered by smell are more emotional than those triggered by sounds, pictures or words
I think you don’t need vitamins only under certain conditions.
Scientists at a number of different research installations are using sound to help them learn more about the world’s oceans. They’re also sharing what they find via live online streams.
Just our luck… the only part of the UK with tight border controls. The picture on the front page of Private Eye shows a long line of cars queueing to […]
Pre-birth nutrition contributes to the “programming” of health, well being, brain development and mental performance and that certain nutrients are important to this process.
The last foreign military invasion of the United States (which included the burning of the White House) took place two centuries ago. Half a century ago, a different kind of […]
It’s no mystery that fear sells, and for good reason. News stories, products, politics…it doesn’t matter what it is or where you hear about it, if something suggests danger, […]
Water is among the natural resources—including oil, fish, timber, and minerals—that face increasing demand as a result of population increases and economic growth.
There is a cheap, safe, chemopreventive agent for prostate cancer. It’s called selenium. But virtually nothing has been done to get the word out.
Ecological footprint measurements, as currently constructed and presented, are so misleading as to preclude their use in any serious science or policy context.
A plastic pollution survey of the Great Lakes revealed that three of the five contain dangerously high concentrations of “perfectly spherical plastic balls” of the type found in face and body scrubs.
When London’s Tate Gallery asked the French painter Balthus for some personal details to include in a 1968 retrospective exhibition, Balthus replied via telegram: “No biographical details. Begin: Balthus is […]
“People as old as 90 who actively acquire new interests that involve learning retain their ability to learn. But if we stop taxing the nucleus basalis, it begins to dry up.”
Scientists are warning that the area of oxygen-deprived water created as a result of agricultural runoff could grow to as much as 8,561 square miles this year, an area about the size of New Jersey.
As a marine biologist points out, upwards of 70% of Discoveries viewers fell for the ruse and now believe that Megalodon isn’t extinct.
Consider the story of the wealthy New York banker and the Greek fisherman. While vacationing in Greece, the banker meets a Greek fisherman and asks him how long it takes […]
Long John Silver’s “Big Catch” meal contains 33 grams of trans fat.
New research reveals that the salmon can pass modified genes to its hybrid offspring. That offspring happened to grow faster than both its purebred cousins, but the company behind the GM creation says the ecological risk is low.
In their continuing efforts to warn us of the threats of climate change, researchers regularly note new harms being produced by a rapidly changing biosphere. Sometimes the threats are […]