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You searched for: Computers

So one of my other major interests is this computational problem called genome assembly.  So the genome again is this large molecule, but the way we can sequence it are […]
Feedback is important to every large organization, and complaints are one of the ways that big companies get feedback from their customers. 
A spine chilling new documentary addresses the myriad of new tools for surveillance that are now being put to use in the the UK’s capital city.  We learn of the […]
School’s out! Here is an end-of-the-school-year post in three strands positing that much of what we do in school is a monumental waste of time, creativity and intellect. Strand one: […]
Drones aren’t just the instruments of a tyrannical government that wants to kill its own citizens. Drones have an artistic side too.
Do you ever stay up late and then curse yourself the next morning when your alarm clock wakes you up? Jerry Seinfeld has the same problem. He’s got a pretty […]
The Communication Age is here, and it’s time we harness it. Why? Because informing is a one-way conversation between you and your employees, customers, or other stakeholders. And let’s face […]
Can the study of art history stop looking like ancient history itself? Can it transcend the old approaches and embrace the digital world? As digitized as art history has become […]
Today’s smart phones are much more than phones—they are powerful, networked multimedia computers, and over the next 10 years they’ll get far more advanced. As a result, mobility is transforming […]
LITTLE IS known about China in Europe and America. Although the Chinese were enviable thinkers for over three millennia, almost nothing of their originality has reached us intact. The reason […]