Growing up, I fell in love with Science Fiction watching reruns of Star Trek, the version now known to fans as “The Original Series.” The storylines and (then state of […]
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We will have abundance in terms of knowledge and equality and we won’t have the bottom billion anymore, but what I call the rising billion.
Since 2003, a group of experts has been working to connect computers and the Internet to the vast majority of Asia-Pacific residents who lack proficiency in English. The impact of their efforts is just now starting to be seen.
The Filip is an exceedingly smart smartwatch: It allows parents to monitor their kids using a smartphone app and send one-way text messages, and has an emergency button that, when pressed, broadcasts location information.
I find it fascinating that based on what we now know, we can’t yet say that it’s impossible to travel in time.
The lone-wolf vision of creative genius is giving way to a more community-friendly concept of innovation where the different talents of many create scientific breakthroughs.
America is the most original country in history precisely because everything American is stolen.
Scientists are warning that the area of oxygen-deprived water created as a result of agricultural runoff could grow to as much as 8,561 square miles this year, an area about the size of New Jersey.
If you’re like most Americans, you probably spent most of the long Fourth of July weekend hanging out at a family BBQ, watching baseball, enjoying the fireworks and… obsessively checking […]
Using a non-invasive infrared laser, scientists have found a way to control the growth of neurons and neuron circuits, essentially learning to rewire the brain, or even create a new one.
Three Oxford academics will be stored after death at a cryogenic preservation facility until technology catches up.
This week Harvard University unveiled a database of 2.3 million carbon-based materials, including over 35,000 out of which some could eventually match silicon’s energy conversion ability.
Online data fed directly into the brains of human beings via a “software/wetware” interface? We’re closer than you think. But the impact on humanity may be devastating.
Researchers at MIT modeled the inside of a bone and used software to create a design that could be read by a 3D printer. The resulting lightweight composite could be used in several different applications.
A bit, the smallest unit of information, the fundamental particle of information theory, is a choice, yes or no, on or off.
If the Russian multimillionaire Dmitry Itskov has his way, we will be able to trade our bodies in forholograms and have computerized brains in 32 short years.
I did do an analysis of the 147 predictions I did for 2009 in my book, The Age of Spiritual Machines, which I wrote in the mid to late 1990’s […]
The most detailed map of the human brain ever completed is now available for perusal online, giving neuroscientists a greater understanding of how cells are grouped and arranged inside the brain.
While technology companies once focused on simple biological gestures to operate electronic products, today they are working to harness the power of the mind to alter physical realities.
The microship is pervasive and ubiquitous in our lives more than we realize.
Thanks to three solar panels and a large lithium ion battery pack, the stations can capture and store enough power to charge six phones at once and have plenty to spare.
More employers and employees are looking into using their own personal devices for work instead of a company computer. Writer Brian Proffitt looks at the benefits and challenges for both groups.
While technologies create seamless payments online and at department stores, the result is a kind of instant gratification that may harm our greater sense of fulfillment.
If you can’t make it out to a cafe, a new website allows you to bring the bustling energy directly to your computer. The site is called Coffitivity. It’s free and plays an ambient coffee shop soundtrack.
MIT scientists have combined a biosensor wristband, a special smartphone, and a mirror attached to a computer to create a system that lets its user review the emotional highs and lows of their day or someone else’s.
Numerous online tools are available to help you figure out your risk of a wide range of health outcomes; diabetes, stroke, heart disease, various kinds of cancer, (see Your […]
MIT medical researchers have created an algorithm that accurately measures a person’s pulse by tracking how the head moves involuntarily when blood is pumped from the heart to the brain.
A recent US Homeland Security alert calls attention to the vulnerability of pacemakers, insulin pumps, and other health equipment to malicious attacks. As devices become smaller and more efficient, more attention must be paid.
My opinion is that IBM’s Watson computer is able to answer questions, and so, in my subjective view, that qualifies as intelligence.
Based on recent findings, scientists in the Netherlands believe that diamond crystals may one day form what amounts to an Internet connecting far flung quantum computers.