A teacher friend of mine wrote me recently. She said that her school was working on bringing in iPads for grades six and seven next year and asked if I […]
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You searched for: Computers
Using computerized machine learning and complex algorithms, UCLA neuroscientists are making advances in ‘brain reading’ where computers can decode our brain to understand our thoughts.
Afghan Star, which airs on Tolo (one of the Moby channels), is the most popular program in Afghanistan. Mohseni is the Executive Producer. It is the Afghan version of Dancing […]
3 min
Texting while driving was only the tip of the iceberg. As smart phones, tablets and other mobile gadgets make it possible to interact with tiny little screens wherever we go, […]
Scientists have found a fascinating pattern: children better at combining sights and sounds tend to score higher on intelligence tests. Ability to compute conflicting information is key.
No carnefab Manager liked hearing from an NFA Inspector, but especially not when the message said, “Fieldspec high neuro count. Site audit 213245-1330. Pres Req.” Paul Ingersoll read the message and checked the time. 213245-1312.
Researchers at Stanford University have found a new ultra-low power source for transmitting data via microchips. The development could bring about a new generation of computers.
Hundreds of thousands of curious minds have signed up for the online technology courses. Now the college will offer courses on information technology and business, also for free.
Handheld technology is changing the way education is delivered because it allows children to learn ‘anywhere, anytime, any place’ and the ‘magic’ of new technologies is proving inspiring.
The Baby Boomer generation that led America’s remarkable economic growth for so long is now a generation that is graying rapidly. America is already a nation of caregivers, with 1 […]
An astrophysicist and an economist have created a calendar in which each new 12-month period is identical to the one which came before, and remains that way from one year to the next in perpetuity.
As patient records have been digitized, an unintended consequence is that health data breaches have surged. The number of reported breaches is up 32 percent this year.
Facebook predicts that for the foreseeable future, the amount of information we share on the Web will double every year. Are we headed for an avalanche of daily trivialities?
This essay was previously published on AlterNet. In the summer of 2010, I saw him several times a week: a portly, dark-skinned gentleman, leaning against a pillar in Penn Station […]
As Dr. Michio Kaku has been predicting for years, we are inching ever closer to producing virtual reality contact lenses that will add a layer of interactive, rich information over our mundane […]
New online exchanges aim to turn computer capacity into a globally traded commodity. Already there’s a new crop of startup companies called “cloud brokerages.”
Child prodigy turned inventor turned futurist, Ray Kurzweil is aiming never to die. He predicts that by 2029, computer intelligence will cure all disease and prevent death.
The overarching metanarrative that always comes to mind when I think about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is not race but justice. I am a little ambivalent about the Martin […]
What is the Big Idea? It’s late May and the year is 1989. Among the chaos in Tiananmen Square is 20-year-old David Tian, who is one of millions bravely chanting […]
Using super cloud computing, IBM has created a public database of chemical compounds extracted from 4.7 million patents and donated it to the National Institutes of Health.
Using about 400 transistors, M.I.T. computer scientists have created a silicon chip that mimics one human synapse, removing a barrier to creating a machine that can learn like people.
Thanks to prominent politicians like Rick Santorum and Orrin Hatch, America has been having a contentious debate this week about what it means to be a snob in today’s society. […]
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”Immigration is an integral part of the story Americans tell themselves about who they are. So why is it so difficult to immigrate here?
It’s unusual for a website to charge for its services, admits Lynda Weinman, but the fee “allows us to have a sustainable business model where we can pay contributors.” Her approach represents a compromise between the open ideals of the web and the financial needs of the people who fill its pages.
A new camera developed at MIT can snap a shot every 0.6 trillionth of a second. That’s fast enough to catch a laser pulse moving through a glass bottle or bouncing off a tomato.
Media entrepreneur Saad Mohseni Mohseni describes Afghanistan today as the way the U.S. was in the 1950s. But the rate of change is very much accelerated, meaning “Afghanistan will resemble the western world vis-à-vis media probably in the next five to ten years.”
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have discovered that a steady diet of cold, fast food is what caused the rapid growth of early supermassive black holes at the dawn of the universe.
While there are many ways to heat your home during the winter months, here’s one you probably haven’t thought of yet: using heat generated by computer servers. In a conceptual […]
It’s dangerous business calling any tech innovation idiotic these days. The next thing you know, the company’s worth $50 billion. But it is hard to imagine many (hearing) people beyond […]
It’s a sad but true fact that most data that’s generated or collected—even with considerable effort—never gets any kind of serious analysis.