When vaccine skeptics are presented with statements about the benign nature of vaccines, they double down on their skepticism rather than softening their bias.
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SAP CEO Bill McDermott recently visited Big Think to discuss his new book Winners Dream and talk about the importance of prioritizing family over business.
The internet may be costing the economy dearly, and not just because we’re distracted by Facebook when we should be doing our job.
A.J. Edwards is the director of the new film The Better Angels, which highlights the formative years of Abraham Lincoln. In this Big Think interview, Edwards explains his decision to shoot the film in black and white.
Groups of people make more effective decisions when diverse viewpoints are brought to the table. Learn the psychology of non-conformity and how it applies to your team in this lesson excerpt from economist Tim Harford. The full lesson is available on Big Think+.
2 min
Sensory Percussions reinvigorates music by giving drummers the ability to control electronic samples, synths, and audio effects with the artistry they have developed by playing their own acoustic drum kits.
Journalist Claire Shipman discusses the role authenticity plays in the manifestation and expression of confidence. Shipman is co-author of the 2014 book The Confidence Code.
The Utah Women and Leadership Project is helping the state overcome its ranking as one of the nation’s serious underachievers when it comes to gender equality in the workplace.
In this 5-part Big Think Mentor workshop Mihnea Moldoveanu teaches us how to systematically analyze the epistemic structure of networks by using a diagramming tool called the epinet. In this […]
With the exception of Japan.
The conflict between East and West predates America and Islam, says a book full of cool maps
While Brazil may not have the scientific muscle of American research institutions, its dietary guidelines are remarkably more consistent.
We could lose the ability to interpret digital data as software progresses and leaves old ways of coding data behind.
“What was scattered, gathers.What was gathered, blows away.” –Heraclitus When you think of our Solar System, you think of planets (and other object) orbiting our central star, with moons (or […]
The death of any given person is just a lack of connectedness to future experiences.
How the “hierarchy problem,” or why gravity is so much weaker than everything else, might be the key to the entire Universe. “I just think too many nice things have […]
Life coach and author Tara Sophia Mohr shares her insight on the strategies necessary for helping girls reach their full leadership potential.
Antivirus software maker AVG has created a new pair of eyeglass frames designed to thwart facial-recognition technology.
Classroom studies indicate that taking notes with pen and paper helps students to reform lectures in their own words, allowing them to learn and comprehend the material.
Millennials are the first American generation who have not been taught how to use tools and that could have a negative effect on the country’s trade industries.
Some anxieties are indicators of healthy curiosity and strong moral fiber, while others are a source of severe stress.
A brief explanation of today’s big net neutrality news and why the decision excites some while troubling others.
What’s more important: competence or confidence? When it comes to being a leader, it’s preferable to have both. But if you had to choose just one, confidence is the way to go.
Author Michael Schrage argues that the most successful forms of innovation are ones that include investments made in the human-capital capabilities of a company’s customer base. Henry Ford and his impact on driving culture is a good example.
More gender parity in the workplace means more economic gain for everyone, ample time for men to be fathers, and it turns women on in the bedroom.
In a Big Think interview, David Westin, who ran ABC News for 14 years, laid out the steps that NBC needs to take to keep Brian Williams at the anchor […]
Over two dozen veterans and active military personnel commit suicide every day. Countless more suffer from PTSD. One ex-Army officer explains that the secret to treating mental trauma is to employ combat veterans in psychiatric roles.
Humor begets humor, and laughter results in more open teamwork and more creative ideas.
Self-promotion isn’t easy and isn’t always comfortable. If you’re worried about coming across as arrogant when building your personal brand, take steps to ensure your actions aren’t totally self-serving.