In case you missed it from earlier this week, retired U.S. Congressman Barney Frank recently visited Big Think to discuss the rhetorical power of humor.
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No matter how much animosity you hold against your future former employers, making a spectacle is never worth the risk of backlash.
Everyone’s favorite Science Guy chats with Vsauce3’s Jake Roper about the importance of science education in ensuring future generations remain creative, experimental, and evolutionarily competitive.
5 min
The major upshot of more and cheaper batteries and much more widespread energy storage could, in the long term, be a true energy revolution — as well as a much greener planet.
Gain some ground before an interview by thinking about your best negotiating skill. Research has shown it helps boost performance.
The Science Guy returns to Big Think to address his creationist critics and warn against the risks of denying evolution, the fundamental core of life sciences.
7 min
A scathing critique of antidepressant medication, just written by a psychiatrist in Wales, UK, is making waves across Britain and you can expect ripples to reach the U.S. in the coming days.
Considerable pressure is being mounted on the United States government, the United Nations, and the European Union to establish standards and regulations for limiting airplane emissions.
Google’s Project Oxygen recently vindicated those who refute the claim that managers don’t matter. Now the search giant’s researchers want to dive deeper and explore the building blocks of team chemistry.
The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has grown so great that limiting emissions is not enough to curb climate change. That’s why scientists are seeking new technologies for pulling carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere out of it.
It’s extremely difficult for new technologies to also envision the ways we will relate to each other in the future.
Don’t just try to give your child the right answers. Lead them to smart conclusions by offering thought-out, open-ended questions.
Author and entrepreneur Peter Diamandis explains how Uber’s business plan seeks to change the way the public perceives car ownership.
Self-promoters should avoid humblebragging, lest they want to come off as inauthentic and obnoxious.
Elon Musk is the ambitious founder and CEO of SpaceX, a private company that has won more launch contracts than anyone else in the launch business. In this lesson excerpt, Musk explains his approach to innovation in the space race. The full lesson, available on Big Think+, offers strategies for identifying an industry worthy of disruption.
1 min
Researchers have found that five-year-olds are not immune to the “bystander effect.” It turns out, in groups, the reason why kids don’t take to helping someone is because they don’t think it’s their responsibility.
Data-driven solutions aren’t going anywhere, but the public’s perception of big data’s value is bound to buckle beneath the weight of unrealistic expectations.
Big Think expert Nicholas Negroponte believes that access to education is a human right. He also believes that the internet is integral to a 21st century education. Therefore, access to the internet is a human right.
A big part of our current mess has to do with how little about religion we actually know.
Modern technology has provided us with a seamless way of life, but we’ve also become accustomed to taking shortcuts.
In my personal auditory life, and apparently in that of many of my fellow humans right now, there’s a podcast revolution going on. Why this? Why now?
Despite the apparent rise in people with no religion, the overall percentage of non-believers is expected to decline as a share of the world’s population, according to a new survey from the Pew Research Center.
The acclaimed self-help expert recently visited Big Think to discuss his new book and share stories about what wealth and generosity mean to him.
7 min
More and more people are reaching old age unmarried and without kids. This cultural shift presents unique problems for medical professionals, especially since we may soon be facing an Alzheimer’s epidemic.
Personal attacks on a speaker, especially about their funding, are a sign that the attacker can’t dispute the facts the speaker is presenting. Beware the attacker too.
If there is a quantum theory of gravity, is String Theory the only game in town? “I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for it to […]
Centuries-old mindfulness breathing and meditation practices have become an increasingly popular fad, but do they really have the power to transform lives? A growing body of scientific evidence says they do.
7 min
There is no direct evidence about what proceeds human consciousness, but there are stories from people who have been pronounced clinically dead.
The acclaimed self-help expert recently visited Big Think to discuss his new book and share stories about what wealth and generosity mean to him.