In the depths of intergalactic space, the Big Bang’s leftover glow is just 2.73 K. But this spot in our own galaxy is even colder. “If you want your boomerang to […]
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You searched for: Big Think
Everything you always wanted to know about the Dutch, but were afraid to ask because they spit while they speak
Why can’t we marshal the enthusiasm we have for exploring Mars to solve problems on planet Earth? Bill Nye says we’re natural explorers and that potential discoveries on Mars have captured our imagination.
7 min
And can we even agree on the definition of ‘nothingness’? “Alone, I often fall down into nothingness. I must push my foot stealthily lest I should fall off the edge […]
The mystery behind star KIC 8462852 (aka Tabby Star) continues. Many scientists have proposed ideas but all explanations (so far) seem as unlikely as the Dyson Sphere theory.
This is not the outcome you’re looking for.
Even if the Universe grows to infinity, there might not be enough space to hold all the possibilities. “We are actually living in a million parallel realities every single minute.” –Marina […]
October had one, November will have one and December will have one, too. What’s the science of Supermoons? “The supermoon is a 16-inch pizza compared with a 15-inch pizza. It’s […]
If you’ve ever wondered just why it has piqued the interest of so many, have a look inside. “I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for […]
A company has received approval to try and partially revive brain-dead patients in India.
Want to Help Defuse ISIS’ Propaganda? See How It Works from the Inside. The recent attacks in Paris shine a light on the world’s current biggest boogeyman: ISIS. “Boogeyman” is […]
46 billion light years in all directions in just 13.8 billion years? Here’s how it’s done! “They say the universe is expanding. That should help with the traffic.” –Steven Wright There are […]
This is a cyborg stingray. It’s as big as a penny, guided by a laser, and moves on its own when exposed to blue light. And it’s the brainchild of Kevin Kit Parker.
According to Pulitzer prize-nominated writer Nicholas Carr the internet is a utopia in which we never have to confront anything. When technology and humanity intersect, how does it affect our brains, our intellect, and our ability to explore?
Rabble-rousing politicians may be uniquely benefitting from the Information Age.
All teachers should strive to instill in their students the ability to think rationally and clearly communicate their conclusions. One educator has recommended using heavy metal as a focal topic in teaching sound thinking.
Sebastian Junger takes a big-picture look at depression, PTSD, and the importance of the tribe in his new book.
The Kardashev Scale measures the advancement of cosmic societies.
A new experimental drug can theoretically take out any virus, while leaving healthy cells unharmed.
Genius kids are caught in the Goldilocks oatmeal paradox – if there’s too much heat on extracting their ability they suffer, but keep too cool a distance and they’ll be wasted.
There is a new wellness trend emerging in South Korea – experiencing your own funeral. While at first this sounds twisted, in truth this ritual utilizes what other cultures have long known.
Rosalind Franklin is most known for her role in first capturing the blueprint for life. Her efforts provided the evidence to deduce the double helix structure of DNA.
The way to a healthy mind is through the stomach, according to psychiatrist Drew Ramsey. The right foods can decrease your risk of depression by 50%, and treat clinical mental disorders.
4 min
If everything is relative, as Einstein says, then how do cosmologists measure these quantities in ways everyone can agree? “A human being is part of a whole, called by us the […]
Drought-stricken Los Angeles County fired silver iodide into clouds during this winter’s El Niño as part of a process designed to elicit up to 15% more rainfall. This form of weather-manipulation is called cloud-seeding.
SETI researchers have found a major radio telescope signal and are trying to nail down where it’s from.
Why we’re positive the Universe isn’t all there is, and what the different possibilities for a Multiverse are. “Go, then. There are other worlds than these.” –Stephen King When you […]
Physicist Lawrence Krauss explains why understanding new theories in physics is so hard, and why it’s so much fun.
While cult leaders are alive and well, nowhere is this trend more apparent than in the vegan food industry.
Knowing the details of genetic variance may help improve personalized medicine.