When we use the same word — awesome — to describe hot dogs as well as the Grand Canyon, do we really know what it means? Let’s look into awesomeness in the context of philosophy.
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You searched for: Big Think
Harnessing the power of photosynthesis may be able to produce all the hydrogen for energy we need.
Something’s got to be wrong. But is it what we think about the star, the Universe, or something else? “The older you get, the more you realize that the way […]
It’s discovered thousands. But how many more are out there? “How vast those Orbs must be, and how inconsiderable this Earth, the Theatre upon which all our mighty Designs, all our […]
We’re in an epidemic of mental illness and in an epidemic of misinformation about mental illness. The myth that America is “overmedicated” regarding antidepressants only furthers the stigma that stops people from seeking help.
4 min
Getting promoted to manager is a huge change for many employees—regardless of the industry they work in. All of a sudden, promoted managers have new roles and responsibilities to fill; […]
Everything is made of quarks, leptons, photons, and gluons, yet everything comes with a finite, non-zero size. “There’s something about sitting alone in the dark that reminds you how big the […]
There’s no science in this episode of science fiction… but there’s a lot of suspicious happenings that no one’s noticing. Following up on the best episode of the season, thus […]
Nietzsche loved aphorisms, and here we have collected 15 of his greatest hits.
The science of selflessness.
Do these five experiments right in your own living room, and explore some of the most baffling phenomena in all of nature. It’s a revolutionary idea that the Universe is made […]
Amazon’s blockbuster purchase of Whole Foods will lead to big changes in how we shop.
Everything is cheap and nobody has jobs. Welcome to the future. President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas fills us in on how we got here.
10 min
Think Again – a Big Think Podcast With Experimental Philosopher Jonathon Keats on Buckminster Fuller, Vicarious Sex, Taboos and How to Get Around Them
Here are five ORBITER-recommended podcasts sure to challenge your thinking on what it means to be human in this world.
Unless we take a more scientific approach to philanthropy, we risk spending a lot of money doing some very backward, ineffective, and inefficient things.
Why is Machiavelli’s The Prince still relevant today?
Spontaneous, deep talk on surprise topics. On this week’s episode of Think Again – a Big Think podcast, Alison Gopnik, one of the world’s foremost experts on child cognition, learning, and development, and host Jason Gots discuss play, artificial intelligence, and the trouble with “parenting” as a verb.
“At times, it seems as if we are condemned to try to understand our own time with conceptual frameworks more than half a century old.” Historian Niall Ferguson says it’s time for an update.
Can we ensure robots are greeted into society without people getting that sinking feeling?
How the Universe’s expansion rate continues to baffle us. “In expanding the field of knowledge we but increase the horizon of ignorance.” –Henry Miller It’s the most fundamental law of special […]
Our future as humans might be great. Or non-existent. Is our government, or Silicon Valley, prepared to handle the consequences of advancing AI?
Spontaneous, deep talk on surprise topics. On this week’s episode of Think Again – a Big Think podcast, Nigerian-born novelist, essayist, and NYTimes photography critic Teju Cole and host Jason Gots discuss first drafts, the complexities of home, and the greatest innovation in human history.
David Miliband has said that the hardest way into the US is to enter as a refugee. Is he correct?
The benefits of actively playing chess are supported by numerous studies.
New research reveals that people find those who use profanity more honest and trustworthy.
Hilarious examples that prove how correlation does not equal causality.
Was it really a low-entropy state? And what does that mean for the second law of thermodynamics? “Entropy shakes its angry fist at you for being clever enough to organize […]
Big Think’s podcast where experts discuss surprise topics outside of their comfort zones. This week, science writer Mary Roach on dark matter, philosophy, artificial intelligence and more.
If you haven’t finished your holiday shopping yet, consider these 10 gifts, good any time of year! One of the hardest things when it comes to holiday shopping is to find […]