Hard Science
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Singer-songwriter Ryan O’Neal composes the songs of the cosmos.
While millions catch a glimpse of a rare lunar event, NASA plans to shut down an orbiter whose purpose is to study the moon.
While the Patriots battle the Eagles during Super Bowl LII, asteroid AJ129 is flying pretty close to Earth, cosmically speaking. But how close exactly will it be, and should you be concerned?
Measuring quantum gravity has proven extremely challenging, stymying some of the greatest minds in physics for generations.
Granted, genetic manipulation has been a dream for decades. Here’s what is different now.
Researchers find that an ancient chunk of North America is now a part of Australia, shedding light on Earth’s first supercontinent Nuna.
Scientists can now virtually reconstruction certain long-dead individuals, without the need for DNA samples from physical remains.
Global warming and climate change is already reshaping coastlines due to higher waters. Pretty soon our next big cities will have to be at sea. But how will they make sustainable food?
8 min
The thick sheets of ice at these eight sites could provide the reservoir of water necessary for human expeditions to Mars.
You can watch the Cosmos marathon right now, for free!
Mining asteroids might seem like the stuff of science fiction, but there are companies and a few governments already working hard to make it real.
Debunking the myth that Enlightenment-era pastors opposed modern science.
The fragility of digital memory could let the entire story of our time turn to sand.
Researchers use the world’s strongest material to create a film that can harden like a diamond upon impact.
Only a radically new tax system, one that affects everyone’s bottom line, can compel the environmental transition in consciousness that we so clearly need.
There have been some interesting “sightings” in the news these days.
Some philosophers have tried to base morality on human nature, but what does biology say about that?
Evolution has trained your mind to create in-groups and out-groups in a flash—but the lines are more flexible than you think.
Middle America is tired of those latte-sipping liberals and their “elite media” hanging out in New York City, but Ariel Levy makes the case that Americans aren’t as different from one another as they’d like to think.
5 min
Neuroscientists discover networks of neurons that stretch or compress their activity to control timing Anne Trafton | MIT News Office Timing is critical for playing a musical instrument, swinging a […]
A team of researchers reverses the arrow of time in quantum experiments.
Researchers create a new form of matter, first theorized 50 years ago.
You are going to die. So am I. These are facts.
A groundbreaking experiment proves a key tenet of Einstein’s theory of gravity.
If you’ve ever wondered which part of physics covers which part of space, fret no more. Here is an awesome map that lays it all out.
This polymath’s papers—full of personal and scientific revelations—have joined the World Register.
Edward Witten is a genius among geniuses.
The Flat Earth theory has gained a surprising amount of traction in recent years, thanks largely to YouTube. What exactly do Flat Earthers believe?