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Going public now allows Groupon to establish dominance against their competitors. They can encourage a perception from the public markets that LivingSocial et. al. are “Groupon Clones.”
Apple Inc. has reached deals with major music companies to help launch an online storage service called iCloud. Steve Jobs is expected to unveil the online listening platform next week. 
Dear educator, if you were on Twitter yesterday, you might have found: this awesome reflection about working with a teacher on technology integration; or these resources about ‘learning styles’ and […]
It’s 2011. If you’re invisible to the world, aren’t you also irrelevant to the world? I use the Rapportive plugin for Gmail. It’s a pretty powerful little add-on that gives […]
Sometimes when you see a particularly compelling advertisement in a store window, you might stop and look at it. Now that advertisement is looking back at you too. Immersive Labs, […]