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Seth Godin on why to abandon the excuse-driven life.”If you relentlessly work to avoid opportunities to use your ability to blame, you may never actually need to blame anyone.”
Like Godzilla, Charlie Sheen’s “My Violent Torpedo of Truth” tour continues to roam the countryside, fortunately leaving ontological, rather than physical, destruction in its path. In New York City, however, […]
There’s a lot of stuff that comes through my Twitter stream. In addition to independent tweets, there also are my posts from here and Mind Dump, my Delicious bookmarks, things that […]
GUEST POST BY JASON SILVA The spectacular think tank and apparel company The Imaginary Foundation states that “To Understand Is To Perceive Patterns”.  This seemingly simple sentence is actually utterly profound:  what it […]
Here’s a pithy, gracious, thoughtful, and fairly accurate review of my most recent book by another conservative.  In the spirit of shameless self-promotion, I’ll give you a generous taste: In this […]