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The Obama Administration is moving to put missile defense technology in Persian Gulf countries to deter Iran, a move that will require the presence of more U.S. troops in the region.
New solar cells that mimic photosynthesis are reaching the marketplace and being put in unusual places in order to recharge electrical devices like cell phones.
Some of the Indian Independence leader Mahatma Gandhi's ashes have been scattered into the ocean off the coast of South Africa 62 years after his death.
Over the course of 2009, the Dow Jones industrial index grew a healthy 17%. The Nasdaq grew a remarkable 41%. Over the same period the average compensation—the total cost of […]
The New Republic is one of many liberal publications criticizing Rahm Emanuel’s plan to put Obama’s economic agenda before passing healthcare reform.
The historical commission of California voted to protect space-trash that Apollo 11 left behind on the moon as a State treasure since it was produced by Californian companies.
Facing a government inquiry over the Iraq War, former English P.M. Tony Blair said that the British should feel a sense of pride about the war.
The remains of a man who won $31 million in the Florida state lottery have been found burried in concrete after he disappeared last April.
No one writes like this. It’s crazy. No one will ever write like this again. Here are the opening paragraphs of Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters; the Zen story […]
Following the death of iconic American author J.D. Salinger yesterday, publisher Roger Lathbury recalls a book deal with the eccentric writer which went sour.
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair acknowledged today that Saddam Hussein didn’t become a bigger threat after September 11, but that the “perception of risk” changed.
Schizophrenia has a significant environmental link and can be triggered in the womb by an infection, with the symptoms lying dormant for years, according to new research.
How can America’s banks be regulated properly if the Senate is owned by Wall Street? asks The Independent writer Johann Hair, who fears corruption is “smothering America’s future.”