Neuroplasticity is a major driver of learning and memory in humans.
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Oxygen is thought to be a biomarker for extraterrestrial life, but there are at least three different ways that a lifeless planet can produce it.
How can researchers map something as complex as the human brain?
Without the now-obscure land investment affair, Georgia might have been a “super state.”
Mass determines a star’s fate… except when it doesn’t. Supernova events are common, visually spectacular astronomical cataclysms. In 1987, a supernova just ~168,000 light-years away was observed in the Large Magellanic […]
The pandemic has many people questioning whether they ever want to go back to the office.
Measuring a person’s movements and poses, smart clothes could be used for athletic training, rehabilitation, or health-monitoring.
How imagining the worst case scenario can help calm anxiety.
A study on charity finds that reminding people how nice it feels to give yields better results than appealing to altruism.
Dark matter must gravitate, so why couldn’t the graviton solve it? One of the most puzzling observations about the Universe is that there isn’t enough matter — at least, matter that we know […]
The ‘Monkeydactyl’ was a flying reptile that evolved highly specialized adaptations in the Mesozoic Era.
Dancing, for Nietzsche, was another way of saying Yes! to life.
Sometimes, moral lessons can be learned from blowing away zombies.
The most mental game in existence no longer requires fingers.
Modern science progresses with an intensity and even irrationality that Aristotle could not fathom.
Among history’s many thought leaders, Plato may sport the most impressive resume of the bunch. The Athenian philosopher founded the Academy. His Dialogues are required reading at every institution of […]
The mismatch between theory and experiment is anything but certain. The most exciting moments in a scientist’s life occur when you get a result that defies your expectations. Whether you’re a […]
Think of the nicest person you know. The person who would fit into any group configuration, who no one can dislike, or who makes a room warmer and happier just […]
A recent study analyzed the skulls of early Homo species to learn more about the evolution of primate brains.
And could Earth-based life provide the seeds for biology elsewhere? Today, on Earth, there’s an enormous variety and diversity of life on our planet. Every single surviving lifeform appears, in […]
Are “humanized” pigs the future of medical research?
Satellite imagery can help better predict volcanic eruptions by monitoring changes in surface temperature near volcanoes.
The design of a classic video game yields insights on how to address global poverty.
New research from the University of Granada found that stress could help determine sex.
Trust can be a fragile thing. Like decorative china or a ship in a bottle, it breaks if handled clumsily. But unlike those, you can’t set trust in your curio […]
Even 13.8 billion years after the Big Bang, we can reconstruct the first 3 minutes. About 100 years ago, we began to truly understand the nature of the Universe for the […]
The world’s 10 most affected countries are spending up to 59% of their GDP on the effects of violence.
The lush biodiversity of South America’s rainforests is rooted in one of the most cataclysmic events that ever struck Earth.
Global inequality takes many forms, including who has lost the most children