George Tech’s expertise in “human-factors issues” is really paying off for the law enforcement establishment. Engineers are helping an Atlanta start-up build cop cars that function like jet fighters. According […]
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In a radical and risky move, the Bank of England today decided to start printing money to combat the economic crisis, according to the London Times. While this might be […]
An economic system that forces people to sell their labor in order to survive is not sustainable. Here’s why.
John Todd, and Nancy Todd of Massachusetts have a lot to teach Designers about integrated design, and waste water treatment systems.
It’s crisis time again and that means boom time for gold! In December, an ounce of gold was selling for about $800. By the third week in February, it was […]
The Economic Times highlights a Duke University/CFO magazine study today and the news is not good. CFOs around the world expect the recession to last well into 2010. Surveyors reported […]
The largest group of uninsured adults in America continues to be young people. Some are underemployed and get no benefits from their employer; more and more are jobless as the […]
Though the full economic impact will not be known for many fiscal years to come, new studies and anecdotal evidence indicate that immigrants are increasingly returning to their home countries […]
They’re crafty, they’re scheming, they will ruthlessly fleece your last recession-precious pennies. They are not the Wall Street scions of global wealth. They are the new financial villains and they […]
As the economy continues to spiral downward with seemingly no end in sight, the hardest hit industries have had to adapt in kind. Like a Faustian bargain to keep the […]
The problem with the world, as Adam Singer sees it, is that systems evolve to grow more complex over time. But there’s an opportunity hiding amongst the chaos: When the […]
The advertising industry is in the midst of a massive realignment. And that’s just the way Miles Nadal likes it. Nadal is the chairman and chief executive officer of MDC […]
Gordon Brown is in America this week meeting with Barack Obama and the L.A. Times says the embattled British Prime Minister is using the trip to “present a united front […]
In the past six months, the United States has seen the lowest Dow closing in over a decade, the worst job market in almost a century, and a recession that […]
It was a hot few weeks for global warming deniers like George Will and Matt Drudge. That is until a winter storm slammed the East Coast and buried any chance […]
Expository essay describing the power of bacteria as it relates to the damage it can do to human beings.
can we learn spiritual lessons from secular music
It was only a matter of time before the newspaper industry, in a last ditch effort for survival, turned to the courts — it’s the sort of Faustian pact that […]
Getting offered $500 million for a company that doesn’t even have a revenue stream would seem like a pretty good deal especially in a bad economy. But it wasn’t good […]
Both middle class students wishing to forego the life-ruining nature of college loans and wealthier students who find they are suddenly unable to afford neither the Ivies nor private colleges […]
“The Cult of Celebrity is supported by an aggressive brainwash machine promoting the wrong heroes in the face of our stressed infrastructure. For example, in a film about a brilliant mathematician, we are trained to believe that the actor is the proper icon. Or in the case of a beautiful song about human rights, we are conditioned to venerate the performer. The net result: shortages of great mathematicians, shortages of social activists, but no lack of entertainment celebrities posing as gods.”
“The concept of a ‘billionaire philanthropist’ is an oxymoron. If somebody has amassed a billion dollars, that person likely did so by overcharging for products/services through monopolistic power in the marketplace. It would be much more impressive to see the ‘billionaire philanthropist’ drastically cut prices for the benefit of mankind rather than merely handing over 10%-20% of personal net worth for purposes of obtaining a tax break.”
“There is a strange illusion of freedom in this plutocracy masquerading as a democracy. Yes, we have the freedom to be obscene, wear the latest Halloween costume, and behave rudely. But we remain slaves to a system that will imprison us if we don’t pay our taxes, compels us to buy essentials from monopolies, and will seize our house if we fail to make the mortgage. Just because you can say ‘f-ck’ in public does not change the fact you remain a slave to the dollar bill.”
Americans first heard about the “march toward socialism” as the financial crisis reached a fever pitch last fall. Since then, the rhetoric on socialism’s return has grown central to political […]
Just when you thought poetry was dead, Newser today cites a Telegraph story showing that email and social networking is catalyzing a resurgence in that oldest of literary art forms. […]
Permission marketing expert Seth Godin has written a new book called Tribes about leadership in a post-geography world. Is Nuveau Tribalism the path to leadership in the twenty-first century? Godin’s […]
James Bowman writes in the Wall Street Journal today that, beginning next month, the College Board will allow high-school students who have taken the SATs multiple times to submit only […]
Despite obstacles, including an estimated $350 trillion price tag, a University of Arizona astronomer wants to save the earth from global warming by firing trillions of mirrors ito the stratosphere […]