How Futurism gave us the word “robot,” the movie Metropolis, and this map of the body as a factory.
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97% of scientists agree that humans are causing global warming, yet belief in climate change continues to depend on political beliefs above all else.
If Americans get a “D” in science, what should the A-students do? “It is worthwhile, too, to warn the teacher that undue severity in correcting faults is liable at times […]
The Argentine leader is expected to discuss gay marriage and abortion while in Philadelphia, but will he confront the systemic abuses plaguing his Church?
Many efforts to develop family-friendly workplaces emphasize rights and privileges for mothers. Some dads are pushing back; some even resorting to legal means.
Words of wisdom from Maya Angelou: “Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.”
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has dropped a study on whether living near a nuclear plant increases the risk of cancer. Criticism of this decision is predictable, but unwarranted. The study would only have found what other research has shown. There is no link
Volvo is spearheading an effort to develop refuse robots and tech-enhanced dump trucks to revolutionize waste management.
Words of wisdom from Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling: “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all — in which case, you fail by default.”
It’s able to see patterns rather than all possible solutions.
European researchers have created a virtual reality simulation where participants can give advice to themselves — as Sigmund Freud.
A new Barnes Foundation show highlights the connections between ancient artisanal ironwork and modern art.
After years of logging your likes and shares, Facebook is about to use them to create better targeted ads.
We know that Einstein’s general relativity is superior to Newton’s gravity, but where did Newton go wrong? “To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or […]
Technomorphic ideas can alter the rules of our thinking about our thinking — and also show that simple rules can escape physics-like predictability.
The just-world fallacy in action.
By examining our minds at a quantum level, we change them, and by changing them, we change the reality that shapes them.
Out beyond Neptune lies the Kuiper belt, whose residents we can see. But what’s out there beyond that? “The great oak of Astronomy has been felled, and we are lost […]
Kids also need to be taught technology habits to get the most out of the Internet.
Even though we can’t see individual galaxies past a certain point, we know they’re there. Here’s the first evidence. “Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some […]
I’m a granola-eating hippie liberal, and I kind of admire Carly Fiorina. What happens when we like a person, but hate their politics?
Futurists never imagined the humble bicycle would be the transportation trend of the 21st century. Nor that our smart devices could be making us dumber.
A philosophy school with a $1 million dollar prize believes that knowledge truly is power.
It’s possible to develop the areas of your brain that control feelings such as kindness, as well as the regulation of difficult emotions. In this way, you can train your brain to be a tougher guard against negativity.
If you live in China, Finland, or Switzerland, you could be closer to receiving your packages from flying robots. Meanwhile, the FAA is not taking action on drone regulation.
Apple CEO Tim Cook came out in order to help gay young people do the same. But what if every LGBT public figure had the same bravery?
In a world where we all eat fake meat — and so stop breeding domesticated livestock — the animals happiness we prize could simply disappear.
Both Germany and Sweden, two countries that have accepted a large proportion of asylum seekers, also have strong economies.
“You’ll never get a good job, son, if you’re smoking pot all the time!” That’s a scolding you won’t hear in the future.
“Heaps Good” is Australian slang, not some DC hipster band