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Scientists at MIT are working to synthesize bacteria found living in sea sponges on the ocean floor, which when in danger emit a chemical that has been shown to eliminate tumor cells.
“Mobile phones have been sold as business tools, fashion accessories and social organisers. But they can also be lifesavers.” The Telegraph reports on ten apps with tangible health benefits.
In the age of reuse-is-better-than-recycle, Italian designer Antonello Fusè has come up with an ingenious, elegant twist on used furniture: Abitudini, a line of unique, asymmetrical coat hangers made from […]
“Nothing undermines the credibility of any sport more than the suspicion that what you are watching is in fact a fix,” intones The Guardian’s editorial as a new cricket scandal emerges.
Most people do not come to Hollywood for deep conversation, but as we explained with respect to “serious games,” the entertainment universe is producing an impressive array of products that can […]
“Swiss health care is a blend of public and private, free to those who need it but with extra options for those who can afford them.” The Adam Smith Institute asks: “Would it work here?”
“English does oblige you to specify certain types of information that can be left to the context in other languages.” A researcher at the University of Manchester explains how language affects thought.
“New Orleans has gone through a boom while other cities have suffered during the recent recession.” But don’t be fooled, says Slate. Katrina exiled many of the city’s poor.