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It’s March 14th! Happy 3.14159265359 Day! Are you celebrating by baking a “pi”? Mashable marked the day with a round-up of delicious pie recipes. Pi Day began 26 years ago […]
Is the “invisible hand” always benign? Or can it be bad? Free-market fans love the idea that “spontaneous order” emerges from local decisions. But what prevents “spontaneous disorder”? Does prudence […]
The polar ring galaxy may actually be two galaxies that are gravitationally pulled together. When this happens, an unusual ring of gas and stars rotate around the poles of what […]
Around 25 million light-years from the constellation Canes Venatici in the northern sky, the Sunflower Galaxy clearly deserves its nickname. The flower-looking bright spiral galaxy is nearly 100,000 light-years across, […]
On the 60th anniversary of its publication, Lord of the Flies continues to be a valuable literary and cultural reference point and, more surprisingly, an instructive manual about contemporary political life—and its liabilities.
NASA released this image of Mars up close. Even if you don’t have your 3D glasses handy, it’s still an amazing shot of Mount Sharp on the horizon as well […]
The loudest and largest generation in history, the baby boomers, are older. Their numbers and needs will place unprecedented demands on aging services in a time of workforce shortages and […]
After extensive research and analysis by TIME, the results are in: the citizens who post the most selfies live in Makati City, Philippines. From TIME: An examination of hundreds of […]
And — if you aren’t — why you should be watching. “The brain is like a muscle. When it is in use we feel very good. Understanding is joyous.” –Carl Sagan I’ve already told […]
Animals behind cages, starving and dying, is an awful sight. It’s an image that underlines the callousness with which humans treat other creatures and indeed themselves. The philosopher, Immanuel Kant, […]