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Latest Gadget Craze?: Pocket Drones

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Watch out Google Glass. Pocket Drones may be the hot accessory of the near-future. AirDroids  just raised $929,212 on Kickstarter, a fundraiser which included over 2,000 pre-orders  for the personal flying robots.

TechCrunch interviewed the company co-founder Timothy Reuter:

“Hitting close to a million dollars and becoming the most popular drone project in the history of Kickstarter validates our idea that there is huge demand for convenient and accessible consumer drone products,” Reuter said. “In the same way that point of view videography, with tools like a GoPro, has transformed the way we tell stories, we think the widespread ability to capture aerial imagery will empower people to understand their world in new ways. We are looking forward to a future where everyone will be able to have their own personal flying robot.”

To see the technology in action, watch this video:

       Image credit: Michael Khor/Flickr

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