Thanks to advantages in facial recognition technology and natural language analysis, virtual therapists can “understand” humans better than ever before.
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Pregnancy can be both a triumph and a terror, with those terrors often coming from having to deal with its social ramifications. Telling your boss and co-workers that you’re having a baby (and will be taking leave) doesn’t have to be stressful or frightening.
While previous studies have found that people who overshare personal information on social media have a stronger need to belong to a group, the same doesn’t appear true of those who share about their relationship.
From what we know about the limits of human cognition, we appear ill-suited to sift through the thousands, if not millions, of potential dates waiting for us out there.
“Leaders need to be increasingly discovery driven, meaning they have to be able to adapt their mindset as new information comes in and they have to be very candid and […]
Pigeons Scatter in Kathmandu’s Patan Durbar Square as a young girl scampers through. Patan Durbar Square is one of seven UNESCO World Heritage sites located in Kathmandu Valley and one of […]
It turns out there’s a lot more to toucans than pitching Fruit Loops and Guinness. Check out the links below to learn all about these very popular, very colorful tropical birds. Via […]
Stefan Magdalinski, the former CEO of, came across this sign in Kasane, Botswana. His description: “Kasane, Botswana. All over the world cybercafes have to cater to whatever expat community […]
“Never interrupt someone doing something you said couldn’t be done.” -Amelia Earhart For more on the legendary aviator: -Earhart’s National Geographicaccount of the 1935 trek from Honolulu to the California […]
“In no victory do they glory so much as in that which is gained by dexterity and good conduct without bloodshed.” -Sir Thomas More, from Utopia (1515) Thomas More’s utopian vision […]
Big decisions made now can open up future paths toward working again with a past employer. This means that, in one respect, you can be like LeBron James.
Does social media and the rising popularity of personal gadgets make people more selfish? Max Ogles argues that selflessness is still thriving thanks in part to a number of apps focused on charitable giving.
The human capacity for reason may be fragile and partial but it is not belied by studies in which large percentages of subjects answer a few tricky questions incorrectly.
It may not be surprising that links exist between the amount of debt you’re in and how often you feel ill. Enacting a plan for better living — both with regard to health and finance — isn’t as hard as you think.
Short for “Your Life, Only Better,” Yolobe is a new social networking service that connects ambitious high schoolers to professional opportunities.
LAGUNA BEACH – The world has changed considerably since political leaders from the 44 Allied countries met in 1944 in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to create the institutional framework for […]
The business world today bears little resemblance to that of 40-50 years ago. Yet for some reason many companies still clutch to the archaic dogmas of strategy developed during that […]
Having recently visited LA I was imagining driving on the early freeways. Few other cars on the road, low gas prices, and just a smooth and relaxing way to quickly […]
An office apology is not like a personal apology. Saying “sorry” to a co-worker involves navigating the invisible tensions of office politics.
In an earlier article, I talked about the fact that we learn much better when we learn with our entire body – all of our senses. I called this “embodied […]
With all the matter-and-energy so close together and so dense at the moment of the Big Bang, why didn’t it recollapse? Image credit: Mark A. Garlick / University of Warwick. […]
We know to be wary of demagoguery, but “plutogoguery” also has perils. Especially if it promotes elite psychological patterns that history warns against: 1. Demagogues are leaders (agogos = “lead”) […]
We learned yesterday that Robin Williams was in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease when he died. This information has led to much speculation about whether his diagnosis or depression […]
Recent bouts of e-abuse against Zelda Williams and the website Jezebel have websites re-thinking policies for policing (and not policing) abusive comments online.
A surprising amount of studies have tried to pinpoint the particular physical traits, styles, and characteristics that exude the essence of intelligence… even if those characteristics don’t necessarily indicate of the existence of intelligence.
If you read the blogs out there about frequent-flyer loyalty programs — the ones written by people who have successfully mastered round-the-world trips for a total of $10 or cashed […]
Producing capable candidates for the increasing number of STEM positions means getting children interested in those subjects while they’re young. For the children’s publishing company Cascade Pass, it also means inspiring children who, even in their imaginative early years, may harbor doubts about their opportunities.
In the early days of social media, idealists dreamed of a digital market place for ideas, the kind that might help rejuvenate a democracy too often given over to distractions.
Those who came of age during the digital revolution are now in positions of leadership, working to create a corporate culture that responds to needs of customers, clients, and employees.
There have been many supernovae in the Milky Way seen over the past 2,000 years, but nobody ever saw the most recent ones! Image credit: NASA/CXC/NCSU/K.Borkowski et al. “When I […]