There’s a very curious link between topography and personality.
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Disagreement helps prevent a company from becoming stale and succumbing to groupthink.
Gene Roddenberry would have celebrated his 95th birthday today. Many of his ideas have become reality, but some never will. “‘Star Trek’ says that it has not all happened, it […]
The hurdles in life presented by traumatic experiences, if treated properly, represent opportunities for momentous personal growth.
Experts say hovering parents set our kids up for failure — but why is that, and what can we do to change?
Hallucinations and distortions in reality ensue — no drugs required.
With the amount of destruction we’re causing, is it time we curbed our own population?
In a study that challenges conventional wisdom, two researchers determine that deftly playing office politics has a tendency to backfire.
Shell has permission to drill off the coast of Alaska, but other oil companies are warning of potentially harmful long-term consequences.
America has a big problem mistaking courage for cowardice and it stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of bullies, according to The Baffler’s David Graeber.
Apes share some very human characteristics, displaying intelligence, language, and now, possibly, speech. So, what does it mean to be human, exactly?
Dr. Christopher Watson explains the barriers to finding another haven for human life.
The Black Mambas regularly face unpredictable safari animals and heavily armed poachers.
With self-driving cars as well as other new tech, Apple and Google maintain starkly different corporate values with regard to transparency.
For the 1960s generation, however, “the day the music died” was July 25, 1965 — the day when Bob Dylan crashed the 1965 Newport Folk Festival stage with an electric guitar in front of him and rock band behind him to rip into a loud, raucous version of his new hit, “Like a Rolling Stone.”
Donald Trump is the topic of our national conversation, and the reason for his popularity seems to revolve around his distaste for political correctness—but why do we love that?
Inside the huge star-forming region filled with hot, new stars, Hubble takes us on an unforgettable tour. “This method of viewing the heavens seems to throw them into a new […]
That picture of you at the Royal Observatory astride the Greenwich Meridian? It’s a lie.
In Inside Out, this summer’s fantastic Pixar film about the fraught emotional landscape of childhood, a girl named Riley gets hauled away from her idyllic life in Minnesota to a […]
Ever wanted to push your body’s limits, even without a partner/spotter? Technology has finally caught up to your ambitions! Note: I’ve received a number of questions about this post. This […]
One of the planet’s most well-known car cities is gearing for a transportation reboot.
College campuses have become a breeding ground of intolerance and shame — vigilant liberalism is destroying free speech.
Or if it were perfectly smooth, instead, could we have still had stars and galaxies by today? “First, you should check out my house. It’s, like, kinda lame, but way […]
Meet the man who’s offering the gateway drug to get everyone on board with Elon Musk’s solar-fueled future.
Researchers at MIT want to build a compact fusion reactor that could potentially produce near inexhaustible energy by the end of the decade.
While the world’s most popular cryptocurrency has allowed for an innovative new approach to online transactions, it’s also emboldened criminals to develop creative new ways to skirt the law.
Have you been enjoying the wonders that the skies offer? If you haven’t caught the Perseid meteor shower yet, don’t despair that the peak was Thursday morning; remember that Friday […]
Can we rely on Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” to lead markets to “the best” overall outcome? Darwin’s insights say no.
Consider the octopus: a creature, researchers say, unlike anything here on Earth.
Stars are born, live and die, but their light tells a remarkable story that changes over time. “Aristotle taught that stars are made of a different matter than the four […]