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After Israel released photographs claiming to prove Iran was importing weapons to Hezbollah militia, Iranian news agencies have retorted claiming the images were forged.
Is Lang Lang the most popular pianist on the planet? CNN talks to China’s biggest prodigy a year after he took to the world’s stage.
The police reportedly suggested that gay a gay teenager brutally murdered in Puerto Rico deserved what he got due to his “type of lifestyle”.
Tough guys don’t cry. But during what’s been called the “he-cession,” they have plenty of reason to. As writer/journalist Reihan Salam explained to Big Think in an interview today, not only […]
Residents in Auckland, New Zealand are up in arms about a “creepy” giant statue of Santa Claus sporting plastic surgery installed in the city centre.
Exam-marking by computers shows that the rules of grammar can hamper good writing – but are machines qualified to make literary assessment?