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Peering at the future of liberal education, Eric Jansson predicts that close faculty-student and student-student interaction will remain the core no matter the fancy technology.
Internet comment sections are typically seen as a bastion of free speech, but have they outlived their importance? When do abusive and lazy comments override anonymous expression?
“The United States is hopelessly dependent on credit. And like stopping other serious addictions, only one solution will work—go cold turkey. We should abolish credit,” says The Atlantic.
That certain dolphin and whale species possess “self-awareness, suffering and a social culture” is a strong moral reason to finally halt the ongoing hunting of large marine life, says Al Jazeera.
“When does a passion for gadgets turn into an addiction with symptoms that include headaches and back pain?” asks the Independent. Scientists now study this very modern affliction.
“By prompting President Obama to suspend deep-water drilling in US offshore waters, the Gulf oil spill is pushing up the date at which the world’s conventional oil production peaks,” says the CSM.