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“The spread of digital technology comes at a cost: it exposes armies and societies to digital attack,” says The Economist, which thinks cyberspace must be treated as a theater of war.
Spiegel follows the “Elvis of cultural studies” to a conference in Berlin where he presents his esoteric and eccentric ideas on the behavior of “late capitalism”.
“An aircraft fueled by the sun has accomplished its first ever manned night flight,” reports the New Scientist. The Swiss aircraft broke several records for a piloted solar flight.
Are spies like us? Just watch this. And then, well ensconced in romance and nostalgia, consider that Ian Fleming said—or did he write?—that “men want a woman whom they can […]
“We all know that real men don’t eat quiche,” says Miller McCune. “New research suggests men opt for foods associated with a masculine identity — even if it means passing up something they prefer”
We often treat our future selves they way we would treat others, preferring to help later than sooner, says Scientific American. Think of your future self and you’ll save more money.
Christian nationalists, who believe God has chosen the U.S. as the promised land, succumb to “fear, misery, confusion and self-reproach,” says one writer who investigated the Call 2 Fall movement.
Harold Fromm criticizes vegans for their vanity and pretentious sense of virtue. “However delicate our moral sensibilities, it still remains that to be alive is to be a murderer,” he says.