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Sorry for the delay in postings, but I have been busy with radio interviews this morning – if I can find a link I’ll post it later.But the real news, […]
Waq al-waq should have much more this afternoon on the executions of the 9 hostages (the Yemeni Embassy in the US is only confirming three dead) in the North. At […]
CNN and other news outlets are reporting on the possibilities of Yemenis being turned over to Saudi Arabia for rehabilitation before they are returned to Yemen. I have been hearing […]
Munir al-Mawiri sums up this quite nicely in his article for Mareb Press today in which Waq al-waq shares top billing with Sada al-Malahim. He is referring to the fact […]
Intrepid Yemeni journalist, Arafat Madabish, scored an impressive coup for al-Sharq al-Awsat (he also runs the al-Tagheer website) by getting an interview with ‘Abd al-Malik al-Huthi. The interview is fairly […]
Following a long day of meetings and talks, I found the new AQAP video on the forums as I was awaiting my train at Union Station (despite the decidedly unfriendly […]
File this in the better late than never category: the US government is finally publicly acknowledging the Huthi conflict.The Huthis will focus on paragraph one:“The United States is increasingly concerned […]
Waq al-waq topped 5,000 visitors yesterday, which is a new high for us, welcome to all you newcomers.For those that don’t know, I run a periodic (that is, whenever the […]
Congratulations are in order to a good friend – who wishes to remain nameless – who successfully defended his/her dissertation this morning, and will surely play an important if behind-the-scenes […]
Three new articles on Yemen (in English) that you should read.1. Bernard Haykel in the National2. Fawaz Gerges for CNN3. Michael Knights for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Greg is traveling this weekend and I am in a cabin in Wisconsin. So we’re going to try another open thread below. Readers, feel free to comment, hypothesize, argue, ask […]
Remember last year, when everyone was complaining about high oil prices? Remember how McCain mocked Obama for suggesting that people keep their tires inflated? That was fun, right? Then gas […]
Although there are clearly more important things going on in Yemen today, and like everyone else we here are also riveted by what is happening in Iran, I am going […]
Back in October news reports surfaced that Fahd al-Quso had been killed in Pakistan. I had my doubts then and said so here and here. Today, we have photographic evidence […]