Even if NASA’s Mars Curiosity mission doesn’t end up accomplishing another thing other than establishing the fact that there was once flowing water on the planet’s surface, it will have served […]
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After enduring years of misery, Jason Collins is now the first openly gay athlete in a major American professional sport. And yet, Collins is not technically the first.
On a global level, we are adding connected intelligence to both machines and objects using chips, micro sensors, and both wired and wireless networks to create a rapidly growing “Internet […]
A pair of British authors is set to release a new book next month detailing the adverse health consequences of economic austerity programs on the citizens of nations who implement such measures.
The use of algorithms to find patterns in massive amounts of data, executing trading decision based upon the frequency of certain keywords across millions and millions of messages, is becoming more frequent.
Our global society has entered a period of accelerated change, and these changes are reshaping entire industries, economic models and institutions. Our blind spot comes from the fact that we […]
While the Chinese economy is said to have kept the world afloat through the latest economic crises, reformers have also pressured China to cultivate a more consumer-oriented economy.
In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing, Americans are not clamoring for trumped up security. What is more likely, say experts, is a gradual increase in the amount of “soft security”.
I won’t propose an answer to this hugely complex question today. Instead, I want to point out some striking similarities between the American perspective on the conflict in Chechnya a […]
It is neither the case that there are too few programmers in America (programmer unemployment currently sits at an all-time high) nor is the education system failing to teach the necessary skills.
Too many patients who are dying of natural causes receive dramatic surgeries near the end of their lives, only serving to sustain their pain and suffering while seldom adding time to their lives.
In today’s lesson, Mary Roach explores how these friendly microbes keep you healthy.
There is something positive to be said about breaking down taboos, especially about bacteria.
While most scientists are non-believers, a few influential researchers have recently written in favor of a new harmony between theology and science supported by the overwhelming power of mystery.
Even professional poker players who have spent careers mastering an expressionless face, no matter how high the stakes, are apt to indicate the quality of their hand to their opponents.
Many readers have often asked me why I care about celebrities and Bieber’s latest activity is a good illustration. Justin Bieber, the incredibly popular and famous teen pop idol, wrote […]
The neuroscience of eating is a budding field that may have profound implications for how we understand, and ultimately defeat, the public health menace that is obesity.
So strong has the role of neuroscience become in explaining our behavior that artists may have little choice but to tackle its premises in their works, particularly the novel, to elucidate characters.
There’s been a pretty cool design piece circulating the tumblrsphere in the past few days. It’s called The Window Socket and is designed by Kyuho Song and Boa Oh. It’s […]
So here’s a funny article on the sheer silliness and passive-aggressive hostility of the jargon that dominates the worlds of management, consultants, marketing, and all that. That world, it seems to me, […]
Isogloss maps are irresistible, even if they are about cucumbers
When I met my last spiritual teacher, the revered HWL Poonja, in 1986, he taught me how to be free. He was such a powerful teacher that within minutes of […]
Bill Westheimer’s current Kickstarter project, called Ascent: the evolution of analog man to digital man, imagines how man’s future evolution might happen, and what we might become.
Yoga may have additional effects over exercise plus simple relaxation in inducing health benefits through differential changes at the molecular level, according to a new scientific study.
Researchers have created the first successful method for bypassing the blood-brain barrier, opening new treatment options for patients suffering neurodegenerative diseases.
“Some experts worry that even with genetic counseling, people will over-interpret their test results, concluding that they can skip the sunscreen if they’re at low risk of skin cancer, for instance.”
Sleep scientists have begun recommending that schools start their classes later in the morning to account for the biological necessities of adolescents, who need more sleep than adults.
Bacteria-tainted produce can pose a serious threat to human health but current tests for disease take too long for food producers to use. Now a Boston company is building a faster test.
In China, authorities are asking how dangerous the avian flu virus might become. Thus far, there have been over a hundred reported cases and more than twenty deaths.
Food scientists are now discovering that the process of tasting food is one of the more complex things the brain is tasked to do, combining data from all our senses into one unified and delicious experience.