Big Idea: Economic and Institutional Flexibility
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Which sayings are true, and which ones just sound nice?
More than 120,000 sites are operating in the .su domain space assigned to the former Soviet Union, and a significant number of them are up to no good. Getting rid of the suffix would be “a messy operation.”
Inspired by Zip Car and similar projects in Europe, Carrot is the first car-share enterprise in Mexico. From just three cars, the program has grown to 40 vehicles and has signed up 8,500 members.
Do PFC Bradley Manning’s actions constitute ‘aiding the enemy’?
On the 24th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, creative protests are popping up around the Web as well as on the ground in mainland China.
Writer Tom Chatfield says no: Despite the proliferation of mobile devices, there are still people who appreciate the transporting experience that console gaming can provide.
The brave new world of Massive Open Online Courses – perhaps the hottest technological trend ever in the field of higher education – is disrupting more than just the conventional […]
Without owners, corporations run amok — like children without a chaperone.
A German drone narrowly missing a collision with an Afghan commercial aircraft carrying 100 passengers.
In their continuing efforts to warn us of the threats of climate change, researchers regularly note new harms being produced by a rapidly changing biosphere. Sometimes the threats are […]
Your market is no longer a domestic market. Your market is a global market.
I’ve got a roomful teachers everyday that help me do my job.
The self goes all the way out to the tongue sticking out and then back in.
“Turkish leader says protests will not stop plans for park,” read a New York Times headline Sunday. Meanwhile, throughout Istanbul, Ankara, and dozens of other cities across Turkey, Turkish citizens […]
As skill sets become increasingly more complex in the modern workplace, employers are working harder to guarantee the health of their employees further into the future to save on training costs.
China’s recent purchase of the Virginia-based Smithfield Hams, in what amounts to the largest corporate buyout to date of an American company by the Chinese, is just one of its many global investments.
Inequality in income and wealth in America has worsened in the last decades. The 15 items here, some monumental and some small, speak to the everyday texture of that inequality, […]
For the most part, your chances of success in life are a function of the circumstances of your birth.
Despite knowing the full-colored truth, I’ve always pictured the 1930s and 1940s in black and white. Laura,The Big Sleep, The Killers, Shadow of a Doubt, and countless other examples of […]
Why have drug laws been disproportionately enforced against the poor and younger and darker-skinned members of society?
To wit, it is time to abolish the IRS.
Works of great literature are often said to possess a special moral sensibility that considers human nature from an elevated position and guides us down the moral pathway.
Through experiments, scientists are coming to a more complex understanding of how oxytocin, a brain chemical commonly referred to as the love hormone, works in long term relationships as well as initial attractions.
Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have discovered a surprising new phase in the learning process in which synapses shrink which explains why cramming for exams yields few long term benefits.
So if you want to read a really thoughtful and combative commencement speech, here’s Leon Wieseltier’s (the literary editor of the New Republic) deep and inspiring intellectual defense of the […]
With rare exception, neuroscientists cannot yet translate aberrant brain functions into the legal requirements for criminal responsibility—intent, rational capacity and self-control.
“It is time” physicist Neil Turok has said, “to connect our science to our humanity, and in doing so to raise the sights of both”. This sounds like a job for a philosophy not yet dead.
Since late April, the not-for-profit organization, Mars One, has been flooded with applications for a one-way ticket to colonize Mars in 2023.
Proponents of marijuana use have enjoyed a string of successes lately as both Washington and Colorado voted to legalize the use recreational use of the drug in the November 2012 election.