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Toronto is tasked with navigating the Scylla and Charybdis of finding a leader who respects the value of a taxpayer dollar, but who also doesn’t smoke crack.  It should not be so difficult.
“Our dominance is assured, at least for a while, by the excruciating nested complexity of the biological components-within-components-within-components of the human brain.”
Lee Smolin: I used to think that my job as a physicist was this kind of mystical transcendent undertaking to transcend the daily reality and experience of the world and discover this timeless representation of the world where the truth really was.
I believe imagination was a God-given tool says, Rainn Wilson in the XPRIZE Insights video below. Wilson sees arts education, therefore, as an empowering tool, which “helps define a person for who they are in their integral self.”
I came to the full realization that there is no formula for life. And a perfect job, a house, a business or a spouse is an illusion of our mind trying to bring order to a life that has none.
Between smart phones, smart pads, apps, cloud computing, and the myriad of other technological advances and transformations occurring today, many company leaders are wondering how to navigate it all. Historically, […]
Shortly after being hired by Equinox Fitness in 2004, the manager at one New York City club called a meeting for movement instructors of every discipline. Gathered one afternoon in […]