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Unfortunately, this is not what the night sky looks like on a planet many light years away. This image was captured here on Earth. From NASA’s website: What’s happened to […]
A Dutch designer wants to take the elements that make jellyfish glow and apply them to trees. Daan Roosegaarde envisions trees serving as streetlights one day. With the help of […]
When we think of the word “evolution,” we often think of “survival of the fittest” or “natural selection.” Evolution simply means change over time. And it can be applied to […]
Nicknamed “Heart” and “Soul,” these two bright emission nebulas could be considered the heart and soul of our galaxy. Located in Cassiopeia, the nebulas shine brightly thanks to the red […]
The spiral galaxy NGC 2683 is very similar to our own Milky Way Galaxy, according to NASA. Located 20 million light-years from the northern constellation of the Cat, it was […]
It’s March 14th! Happy 3.14159265359 Day! Are you celebrating by baking a “pi”? Mashable marked the day with a round-up of delicious pie recipes. Pi Day began 26 years ago […]
Is the “invisible hand” always benign? Or can it be bad? Free-market fans love the idea that “spontaneous order” emerges from local decisions. But what prevents “spontaneous disorder”? Does prudence […]
The polar ring galaxy may actually be two galaxies that are gravitationally pulled together. When this happens, an unusual ring of gas and stars rotate around the poles of what […]