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“Though Iranian officials have only just now designated the mullet as a form of ‘Western cultural invasion,’ the haircut has always been with us.” Slate gives a history of the hairdo.
“Plato imagined philosopher-kings guarding his utopia. Here in Aspen, we have Bill Gates.” The Atlantic says Gates’ unique solutions to global problems were on display at the Aspen Ideas Festival.
“The spread of digital technology comes at a cost: it exposes armies and societies to digital attack,” says The Economist, which thinks cyberspace must be treated as a theater of war.
Spiegel follows the “Elvis of cultural studies” to a conference in Berlin where he presents his esoteric and eccentric ideas on the behavior of “late capitalism”.
“An aircraft fueled by the sun has accomplished its first ever manned night flight,” reports the New Scientist. The Swiss aircraft broke several records for a piloted solar flight.