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Crying isn’t the sure-fire, feel-good tonic it’s cracked up to be. Psychologists found that the benefits of tears depend entirely on the what, where and when of a particular crying episode.
No, no it is not Sada al-Malahim, but News Yemen writes about a new newspaper in Yemen, al-Hayat al-Yawm that devotes a significant portion of its first issue to al-Qaeda. […]
I know Greg posted below about Christopher Boucek’s Carnegie piece, but having read it last night I want to doubly endorse it. It is a large overview, but unlike many […]
Snow and a broken computer have gotten the week off to a slow start, but across the globe in Yemen things are picking up, even though you wouldn’t know it […]
Over the past few days I have exchanged a number of messages with a Yemeni friend about the upcoming London conference – I don’t have permission to post his comments, […]
I often miss things on Yemen here at Waq al-waq, and two of the articles I have missed in recent days have been by academics who study Yemen. (Full disclosure: […]