After resupplying the International Space Station, and laden with its trash, the pilot-less Johannes Kepler completed its mission yesterday by burning up over the Pacific.
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Building more gas power plants (rather than nuclear ones, for instance) could see UK consumers paying more for energy or miss its 2020 carbon targets, a think tank warns.
I spend a lot of time hunting for cool stuff. Garage sales, estate sales, yard sales, antique stores, junk shops – you get the idea. I spend more time looking […]
–Guest post by Patrick Riley, AoE Culture Correspondent There was a time when mainstream media coverage of an upcoming movie would create buzz about the film. Nowadays, publications like the New […]
The first total lunar eclipse of 2011 took place less than a week ago although people residing in North America weren’t able to enjoy it. This time around, people in […]
Soon, you will be able to experience superstar chef David Chang, the genius behind the ever-expanding Momofuku foodie empire, as a brand-new iPad app. This Lucky Peach app is, in […]
In case you missed some of the volcanic activity that wasn’t in Chile or Eritrea (I know I did), here is the (slightly late from me) Global Volcanism ProgramWeekly Volcanic […]
Can we profit from someone else’s innocent error? Former New York Times columnist Randy Cohen answers the first in a series of ethical questions from Big Think readers.
A DIALOGUE BETWEEN JASON SILVA AND TECHNO-ECOLOGIC SCHOLAR RICHARD DOYLE Richard Doyle also goes by mobius, an indicator of just how important interconnections are to him – and how transformative, […]
More and more of the soldiers being put in harm’s way in Iraq are actually machines. Scholar and Wired for War author P.W. Singer explains what happens when science fiction becomes battlefield reality.
The Web has sprung the lid on a Pandora’s Box of new human connections – mirroring and magnifying the best, the worst, and the ugliest aspects of our nature.
I’m back! It was a great week off down in Charleston, but it is now time to get back to work. Rather than try to catch up on all the […]
Neo liberalism is in crisis. Discuss. If only I were back at some red brick university and being asked this question by one of my lecturers! Neo liberalism is in […]
When I first started blogging on BigThink, I compiled a list of people who I admired. I wanted to use those folks as a north star as I was trying to […]
Paul Bogush pushed back (in a nice way) on my recently-popular post, If you were on Twitter. First he wrote about how most educators are too busy to be involved in […]
LulzSec announces “we have blissfully obtained records of every single citizen who gave their records to the security-illiterate UK government for the 2011 census.” What’s next?
The notion of “collaborative consumption” isn’t new but social networking, coupled with “geo-located” smart phones, has super-charged the concept.
Facebook is set to grow its net U.S. display revenues by 80.9% this year to $2.19b, toppling Yahoo to become the largest U.S. display advertiser, an internet research firm claims.
The value of virtual currency Bitcoin has plummeted after a catastrophic hacking on Sunday, raising questions asked about whether it’s the beginning of the end for it.
How gamification can help us achieve mastery and accomplish our goals. Excerpts from an interview with Buster Benson, founder of Health Month.
Everybody, meet Kergolus. This little furry thing is a geo-mascot, shaped like the territory it symbolises. Top marks if you’re able to guess which territory that is, either by the […]
1.3 trillion bricks are manufactured each year worldwide. 10% of them are made by hand in coal-fired ovens, emitting on average 1.4 pounds of carbon per brick or 800 million […]
Understanding the effectiveness of a marketing channel fully requires understanding the revenue impact that the channel drives. Both as a source of a prospect (e.g. prospects who respond to a […]
If the prosecution of John Edwards for campaign finance violations were to succeed, it would set a bizarre precedent. [Photo credit:, Creative Commons.]
Waterbirths are so passe. Today’s elite stunt-birther wants the obstetrical equivalent of a fish pedicure, a koi assisted birth. From the FAQ: Why koi? Koi, or 錦鯉, are ornamental varieties […]
Yesterday, we celebrated Father’s Day. Today, let’s celebrate the wisdom of the female investor – or more specifically, what it is that generally makes her more financially successful over the […]
The online retail revolution has produced spectacular success stories like Groupon and Gilt Groupe. Adam Bryant of The New York Times talks to Susan Lyne, CEO of Gilt Groupe, about where the industry is heading in the future.
1. So my post on NASA provoked a variety of most thoughtful responses. The ones by Brendan were the most detailed and philosophic, but they were all worthwhile. 2. Their […]
The New York State Senate has voted to legalize gay marriage, a major milestone for the gay rights movement in several respects. After Governor Andrew Cuomo signs the bill into […]
Over the past 50 years, severe weather patterns have cost 800,000 lives and a trillion dollars in economic losses. A new report puts much of the blame on climate change.