Instead of landing a craft on a comet, scientists want to study space rocks by firing a harpoon at them. The harpoon’s tip will collect rock samples and return them to Earth for study.
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16 year-old Nick D’Aloisio has raised a quarter million dollars to develop an app that condenses any webpage’s content into summaries of three different, but brief, lengths.
Whatever your traditions, the holidays are a time to drink egg nog lattes, reconnect with friends and family, struggle gracefully to keep calm, and look back on all you achieved […]
Are you done? How many more days? Tick tock, tick tock. A recent Rasmussen poll may give you comfort or a kick. The nationwide survey conducted November 29-30, 2011 gives us […]
Mars’ Gale crater was chosen from over thirty potential landing sites for when Curiosity, NASA’s most ambitious Mars rover ever, touches down in 2012. What makes it so special?
To make solar panels, silicon wafers must be heated to high temperatures and that means using a lot of power. But a new optical furnace uses light to heat the cells which requires half the energy.
Aron Cramer, CEO of Business for Social Responsibility, has developed what he calls a “kaleidoscopic measure of business success.”
As the astute Ross Douthat points out, the race in Iowa is now between Gingrich and Paul Right now, the polls show Paul to be in second place, with Romney still fading […]
So you want to live forever? Double-check your motives, says ethicist Paul Root Wolpe.
Every few years the job market changes and the educational market changes along with it. As one new hot career comes up, there is always a degree or program that […]
The Gingrich who stole Christmas from Mitt Romney can smile all he wants for now. Newtmentum is not likely to overcome poor planning and lack of organization, both of which […]
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have discovered that a steady diet of cold, fast food is what caused the rapid growth of early supermassive black holes at the dawn of the universe.
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is putting up his own money to build the next Spruce Goose: A plane that will launch satellites—and eventually people—into Earth’s orbit from 30,000 feet.
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote that Mitt Romney remains the likely Republican nominee in spite Newt Gingrich’s recent surge in the polls. The smart money over at the […]
It’s not just the Mediterranean tier of countries – Tunisia, Libya, Egypt – that are experiencing stirrings of new life across Africa. Throughout the African continent, formerly moribund nations like […]
The world’s top physicists announced yesterday that while no direct evidence has been found, hints of the particle’s existence are detectible at no greater than 127 giga–electron volts.
Last month, the TLC television channel premiered All-American Muslim, a reality show which follows several, from what I can see, fairly normal American families who happen to be Muslims. On […]
A frequently cited objection to widespread use of the Gardasil vaccine against Human Papillomavirus is that it will give children the message that it’s normal, expected and inevitable that they […]
Voter turnout in U.S. presidential elections tends to be lower than other developed democracies and relative to the number of eligible voters., Voter turn-out for those ages 18 to 24 […]
–Guest post by Yuwen Yang, American University graduate student. In January 2009, new voluntary pharmaceutical industry guidelines on marketing to physicians went into effect (David 2010), which emphasize disclosure and […]
The knock against many technology companies is they create too few jobs in their own countries. That complaint needs serious amending. Tech companies are creating plenty of jobs for robots.
Now that the silly season of American politics revs up for another presidential election, it’s a fair question to ask who will be the next great caricature? Nixon cast his […]
I’m finally getting around to talking about recent films. Two that had great promise but ultimately disappoint are J. Edgar and The Descendants. They both address the questions of virtue—particularly manliness […]
–Guest post by Xiao He, American University graduate student. Developments in Web marketing and social media provide new platforms and strategies for pharmaceutical companies to interact with investors. Among the […]
Of all the reactions to CERN’s announcement that scientists found only “tantalizing hints” of the so-called God Particle, the gossip site Gawker had the most amusing headline: Can Scientists Just Find […]
“To me, being a DJ and being the Director of the Media Lab are essentially the same thing,” says Joi Ito, Director of the MIT Media Lab.
One of the fastest growing verticals amongst edtech startups these days is definitely the social layer added on top of existing educational content. One of the first startups in that […]
Many of the cognitive tools (heuristics and biases) that we use for all sorts of decision-making also influence our choices about risk.
Instead of asking how digital technologies are transforming advocacy, is it more appropriate to ask how contemporary advocacy is transforming digital technologies?
A study has found that 48% of consumers feel overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of new high-tech products. They also fear living in an ever- thickening cloud of radio waves.