The resistance movements may be more about identity than science.
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The U.S. Soccer Federation says “market realities” explain the pay gap. Others say it’s institutionalized sexism.
Brain plasticity. Mindful superpowers. Pokémon invading our grey matter. Scientists have only begun to learn about the human brain.
New research reveals a major shift in what pressures life used to face.
In Natural Causes, journalist Barbara Ehrenreich questions our obsession with wellness.
Compassion is one of several news values that determine if a story is published.
Ideas are plentiful; execution is another story.
The total solar eclipse of July 2, 2019, is the longest one we’ll have until 2027. And that’s not all. On July 2, 2019, the new Moon will pass between Earth […]
Harvard engineers make a breakthrough polarization camera.
There are a few different theories out there, but the parieto-frontal integration theory, or P-FIT, appears to give us the best model of the neuroscience of intelligence.
The Glen McLaughlin Collection brings together more than 700 historical examples of ‘California as an island’.
When it comes to theories of the universe, the Big Bang theory is almost accepted as a fact. However, it’s still uncertain, and some scientists believe that the universe didn’t began with a bang, but a bounce.
It isn’t surprising, but what’s behind the straight-white-male hegemony?
It’s hard not to conclude that if you act like a child, maybe you’ll learn as effectively as a child, too…
Study shows minerals sequester carbon for thousands of years, which may explain oxygen’s abundance in the atmosphere.
While the world considers future trips to Mars, two astrophysicists make a case for exploring asteroids.
The cartoon heard ’round the world and what happened after.
A unique 3D model allows researchers to explore embryonic development.
Why one expert believes it is knocking on death’s door.
Scientists discover how to predict megaquakes earlier to improve warning systems.
Spiders, fish, birds, and bats all break with their daily routines.
“You’re all going to die” was one typical comment about the all-woman crew of the sailing ship Maiden, the first of its kind in the Whitbread round-the-world race. 30 years later, its captain Tracy Edwards, MBE reflects on the documentary MAIDEN and an act of will and teamwork that changed the world.
The quest for a quantum theory of gravity is the holy grail of physics. Here’s why it’s murkier than anyone expected. If you want to fully describe how the Universe […]
They’re hiding in your house, carrying germs, and now there’s virtually no way to kill them.
Will the small petrol state soon be solar powered?
If you think nothing can move faster than light, check out this clever way to defeat that limit. Nothing can move faster than the speed of light. When Einstein set forth […]
It turns out light can not only be twisted, but at different speeds.
Less than 50 percent of Americans say they’re “extremely proud” to be American.
A glimpse into what a sustainable, inclusive future will look like.
The remote volcano Raikoke just erupted after nearly 100 years of silence. Here’s why it matters. On June 22, 2019, a volcano that had been dormant and inactive for nearly a […]