A new study shows the benefits of calorie restriction. Never has such advice been more needed.
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It’s never too late to start strengthening your brain.
And why social distancing, isolation, and sheltering-in-place are so effective, but only if we do them early enough. In any biological system, if you put a living organism into an environment […]
Because geocaches are always hidden out of sight, players often have to behave in out-of-the-ordinary ways to reach them.
Retail therapy has been proven to make us happier, but is there a catch?
A new study found that practicing mindfulness can lower feelings of paranoia.
Lawrence “Larry” Brilliant, an American epidemiologist who helped eradicate smallpox, warned about the inevitability of a global pandemic in a now-famous 2006 TED Talk.
Washing your hands with soap and water can help protect against the coronavirus. But only if you do it correctly.
The Buddha wasn’t concerned with transcendence, but rather fully embodying the moment.
A NASA-sponsored competition asks participants to improve the design of a bucket drum for moon excavation.
And if you have a friend at the same longitude, you can even measure its circumference. This year’s equinox, on March 19/20 of 2020 (longitude-dependent), is Earth’s earliest in 124 […]
Inequality from the Recession has a lot to do with how the government designed its response.
And the first sci-fi weapon the Space Force gets is….a device to scramble communications?
Researchers figure out the infectious periods of coronavirus on cardboard, metal and plastic.
Our remarkable olfactory senses are modeled in a new research chip.
You’d have to throw out a lot of known physics for this to even be a possibility. Here’s why. It’s an undeniable scientific fact that dark matter must exist in order […]
One silver lining of the pandemic: The value of common sense, facts and rational decisions increases.
Using permanent magnets may help to make nuclear fusion reactors simpler and more affordable.
Dark matter is perhaps the most mysterious substance in the Universe. What exactly it is, however, still eludes us. Dark matter is one of the most mysterious and yet most ubiquitous […]
A new study says that it could be centuries before millions of the classic toys submerged in the Earth’s seas disintegrate.
A new drug derived from scorpion venom reversed developmental damage in mice exposed to alcohol during pregnancy.
A new study finds the temperament of infants can vary based on where they live.
It’s not just an old superstition — it’s your stressed-out brain.
Social distancing won’t be easy, but science shows us how to make it more manageable.
Research from Denmark finds that mindfulness and music help sustain attention.
It’s an incredibly useful approximation. But the truth takes us far deeper. Anyone who’s ever taken a physics course has learned the same myth for centuries now: that any object thrown, […]
Those who have experienced amputations often wonder what happened to their limb after surgery.
Learn how to cope with your stress by better understanding which stress personality type you are.
Strange bone circles made from mammoths revealed clues about how ancient communities survived Europe’s last ice age.