The European currency features buildings that didn’t exist, until Spijkenisse made them in concrete
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Digitized logbooks from the 1800s reveal a steep decline in strike rate for whalers.
In recent years, women have made incredible strides in the business world. Forty-one women currently lead Fortune 500 companies. While that remains an unacceptably low percentage (8 percent) overall, it […]
The most massive nearby stars could be the seeds our supermassive black holes need. The problem with the Universe, as we see it today, is that we only get a snapshot […]
For some philosophers, hope is a second-rate way of relating to reality.
Intrinsic religiosity has a protective effect against depression symptoms.
The ‘reasonable person’ represents someone who is both common and good.
One image can give over 100 times the data we now get from Hubble. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, revealed the previously unseen Universe. The most distant galaxy ever […]
A 50-year study reveals changing values children learned from pop culture.
People may be more willing to get vaccinated when told how popular it is.
Sound waves behave quite differently on Mars than on Earth.
Spirituality can be an uncomfortable word for atheists. But does it deserve the antagonism that it gets?
Yet, if they only obey the rules that we know, there’s no way to explain why. One of the greatest puzzles in all of physics is that the laws of nature — as […]
Circle spoofing is an advanced form of GPS manipulation – but nobody knows exactly how, or why.
How our brains interpret computer code could impact how we teach it.
The discovery could help astronauts find better ways to grow food in space.
The bird demonstrates cutting-edge technology for devising self-folding nanoscale robots.
Some scientists believe the lightning-produced frequencies may be connected to our brain waves, meditation, and hypnosis.
Growing marijuana in large, climate controlled warehouses is good for production but has a massive carbon footprint.
Did you know that American politics has become polarized? Shocking news, we know, but in case your news feed wasn’t evidence enough, Pew Research Center has been tracking the phenomenon […]
A tiny layer of microscopic dust is the only reason it appears red. When we look out at our planet Earth from space, we see a myriad of diverse colors. The […]
Scans show similar activity to what occurs when you think about yourself.
Flying that helicopter too low is counterproductive.
Their success is based on us adopting a plant-based diet, too.
Here’s what Einstein meant when he spoke of cosmic dice and the “secrets of the Ancient One”.
It’s how successful our current theories are. Some 500 years ago, there was one scientific phenomenon that was, without controversy, extremely well-understood: the motion of the celestial objects in the sky. […]
Ultrasound might be able to damage the novel coronavirus in the same way an opera singer’s voice can shatter a wine glass.
How the German political philosopher called out Henry David Thoreau on civil disobedience.
“Don’t tread on me” is a slogan of the deep sea, too.
Next time you listen to scary campfire stories, sit with a friend who has aphantasia.