Former governor Sarah Palin has gone after the Associated Press accusing them of “opposition research” for fact checking her forthcoming book.
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The BBC talks to a man who spent 14-years on death row before new evidence led to his release from jail.
Doctors in Iraq are treating 15 times more chronic deformities in infants since the war – due possibly to toxic materials leftover from the fighting.
Building on the studies of Joseph-Louis Lagrange, a picture of coherent structures in fluids is emerging using advanced technologies.
Residents in Auckland, New Zealand are up in arms about a “creepy” giant statue of Santa Claus sporting plastic surgery installed in the city centre.
Exam-marking by computers shows that the rules of grammar can hamper good writing – but are machines qualified to make literary assessment?
Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez is encouraging Cuban scientists to “bomb clouds” with aircraft in order to stimulate rainfall during sever droughts.
A new book by Osama Bin Laden’s first wife and son give an insiders’ view on one of the world’s most notorious terrorists.
President Obama has ruled out the setting of binding targets for tackling climate change at the Copenhagen summit next month.
Since the Republican Party’s historic defeat in the 2008 elections, American conservatives have been seeking new ideas to rally around, new leaders to point the way forward. One year later, […]
You’ve probably tasted it. You may have even liked it. And if you did, you weren’t alone. But as Buffalo Chicken becomes one of America’s favorite snacks, the city for […]
For centuries, the dominant image of college in America has been that of a secluded campus, full of 18-22 year-olds educating themselves for the future. Yet, as Big Think’s recent […]
In 1968, a highly-respected population biologist at Stanford named Paul Ehrlich published a best-selling book called “The Population Bomb,” warning of global famine as the global population grew faster than […]
It is becoming increasingly common knowledge that our world is on the brink of an unprecedented environmental crisis. However slow the reaction has been, it is beginning to take tangible […]
In what was a remarkable turnaround—and a huge victory for progressives—last week, the House of Representatives passed a health care reform bill that includes a provision for a government-run program, […]
How do you know someone’s just caught the jazz bug? According to Village Voice critic and “Jazz” author Gary Giddins, when Ken Burns started loving Louis Armstrong as a fan […]
What if you could clean a load of dirty clothes and linens with just a spoonful of laundry detergent and a single cup of water? As soon as late 2010, […]
If you want to see some key symptoms of unconvincing journalism about social science, look no further than this New York Times piece on the effect of unemployment on families. […]
Paul Auster is associated with two things, both in constant flux: the novel and New York City. The author of “The New York Trilogy,” “The Brooklyn Follies,” and the new […]
We need to disabuse ourselves of several untruths being told about our war efforts in Afghanistan. One is that we are fighting for democracy. Democracy is fine for Norway and […]
A new breed of “super bee” has been bred by government scientists in a bid to tackle the honeybee epidemic.
A new study suggests that forming new brain cells can push out old memories as newborn neurons destabilize established connections.
Gardeners at a UK heritage property are urging visitors to urinate in the gardens to help the gardens “go green.”
The Huffington Post says the media fell hook, line and sinker for the military account of what happened at Fort Hood last week.
The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has said it will stop its social service programs if gay marriage is legalized.
In response to Europe’s “Seven Wonders of the World” list which didn’t include Russia, the former Soviet Republic has compiled its own list of “wonders”.
A staggering third of all homeless men in America are veterans of the army – so where is the post commission support?
Following the controversial restrictions on abortion imposed by the healthcare reform bill women are asking if congress has reverted to the Mad Men era?
In a bid to win US sympathy, China’s government has argued that the “liberation” of Tibet is comparable to the abolition of slavery by Lincoln.
Traces of cocaine, hormones and spices are among the things found in the drinking water of Puget Sound.