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“The class warfare we need is a conservative class warfare,” says Ross Douthat at The New York Times. Making everyone pay their debts and fewer middle class taxes is his battle plan.
“For the first time, research shows that American creativity is declining. What went wrong—and how we can fix it?” Newsweek says a more active approach to teaching creativity is needed.
Al Jazeera reports on the highly disproportionate allocation of public funds in Jerusalem. Palestinian neighborhoods suffer from lack of infrastructure while Israeli ones do not.
“Money doesn’t buy happiness all on its own purchasing power, but rather happiness comes indirectly from the higher status money provides.” Relative income is what counts, says new research.
“The world we live in is so overrun with environmental pollutants that it is next to impossible to keep oneself truly healthy.” Sadhbh Walshe at The Guardian laments the lack of regulation.
“When the world’s productive capacities exceed the buying power of the world’s consumers, every government wants to increase exports and discourage imports. That spells trade war.”
A new Midwest coal plant marketed as a source for cheap, clean energy is expected to raise utility bills and be the largest source of carbon dioxide in a quarter century, says The Chicago Tribune.
“Though Iranian officials have only just now designated the mullet as a form of ‘Western cultural invasion,’ the haircut has always been with us.” Slate gives a history of the hairdo.