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The “bacterial communities” that live on human skin are now thought to form colonies on inanimate objects regularly touched by human hands, such as your computer keyboard.
“Pragmatic” is often seen as a complimentary term. But, says New York Times’ commentator Stanley Fish, it is also related to the philosophy of “pragmatism,” which is an unhopeful ideal.
The swaths of Red Shirt supporters demonstrating in the Thai capital, Bangkok, appears to have dwindled dramatically as the group prepares to spill blood on the steps of parliament.
After 10 years of literary detective work, new evidence has come to light of a lost play by William Shakespeare, called Cardenio, which had masqueraded as an 18th-century work.
Finally someone has said it, remarks Fox News’ Michael Goodwin. Vice President Biden stated categorically in a speech in Israel that the US will not tolerate nuclear weapons in Iran.
Gretchen Rubin, whose “The Happiness Project” is both a bestselling book and a popular blog, concedes that the title may be something of a misnomer. “Happiness,” she says, has a […]
Everything you think you know about substance abuse is wrong, according to a new book “Addiction: A Disorder of Choice,” which says addiction is “voluntary behavior.”
Breaking news, breaking news: the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming, the president has been assassinated and the capital has been bombed to shreds…(er, not really).
It has been a thousand days since, in the words of the UN’s chief humanitarian officer, Gaza became the world’s largest outside prison. And the region is desperately awaiting tomorrow.
Outrage has been sparked after a London fertility clinic began raffling a human egg and IVF treatment to one lucky winner in celebration of its relationship with an American counterpart.
A top military adviser on the newly released war thriller “Green Zone” has written an editorial slamming the film’s assertion that a massive conspiracy led us into the Iraq war.
Even Jerry Seinfeld’s former writing partner Larry David has failed to see the funny side of his recent television comeback, appearing to echo critics who have branded the show “pointless.”
Anticipating a report to be released in May criticizing the music industry for its carbon footprint, industry leaders have met in London to discuss reducing the environmental impact of big tours like The Police and U2.
In the wake of his fall from grace at home, Tony Blair’s Faith Foundation is making connections in the U.S. with pastors like Rick Warren in order to promote understanding between different faiths.
The National Sleep Foundation finds that our busy American culture homogenizes sleeping tendencies across cultures, resulting in all ethnicities sacrificing some of their Z’s.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has unanimously agreed to reduce the sentencing disparity between crack and cocaine to 18:1, down from 100:1. The vote envisages similar legislation.