A dazzling bouquet of cotton candy? That would be one way to describe this gigantic dust pillar and star-forming region known as the Cone Nebula. NASA explains this photograph snapped […]
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Look at this photograph and it’s easy to feel as though you’re in the cockpit of a spaceship, speeding down a galactic highway. NASA released the image today and explains: […]
In 1875 George Routledge, founder of the British publishing house that bore his name, asked Scottish author Samuel Smiles when he would have the honor of publishing one of his […]
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein
“Any idiot can face a crisis. It’s the day-to-day living that wears you out.”
– Anton Chekhov
“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” – E.E. Cummings
“Egotism is not a good quality. It’s not something to be admired or even tolerated. It wouldn’t be tolerated in a field commander and it shouldn’t be tolerated in a movie director.” – John Milius
Maya Angelou left us with words of beauty and a reminder of how the best in each of us might rise above the worst. She was a person of remarkable […]
The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies has identified 96 food products currently on the shelves of US grocery stores which contain microscopic pieces of metal. Do you know what’s in your yogurt?
Turkey’s highest judicial authority has ruled that shutting down Youtube–a policy advocated by the current Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan–is a violation of freedom of expression, a right guaranteed by the Turkish constitution.
Statistics show predicting market bubbles is as easy as following the job patterns of recent Harvard grads.
From Eliott Johnson’s Super Bubble gum ritual to Carlos Quentin’s pre-game “aura spray,” baseball players are notoriously superstitious. This naturally raises the question of why. In the second part of […]
Medical marijuana has been legal in Canada for the past decade so its national government is well ahead of the curve when it comes to understanding effective regulation.
Technology innovator Stephen Wolfram argues that the universe may function less like a math equation and more like a computer program, demonstrating extremely complex behavior which could be based on relatively simple lines of natural code.
Roads, pavements, and other impervious surfaces, cover 112,610 square kilometers in the US alone, which is almost exactly the size of my home country – Bulgaria. According to these calculations […]
The word on the street is that Apple is set to announce a major foray into home automation next week at its annual developers conference. As noted by other analysts, […]
Former United States Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner explains the recipe for financial disaster and the importance of remembering prior crises. Geithner is the author of Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises (http://goo.gl/v0R9pg).
The simple truths revealed by the sky throughout the night give us a perspective unlike any other. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you […]
A version of the Hollywood Sci-Fi Museum could debut as soon as 2015.
Diversity training is already a sensitive issue. Most organizations don’t know how to address it and introduce programs to employees. In the latest installment of Big Think’s Edge, management expert […]
Nebula’s are star-forming regions rich in interstellar clouds of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. How else do they keep the star factory running? On Tuesday, NASA released this […]
A few thoughts on your lazy brain. But just a few because, well, you know, the brain likes things nice and easy. The brain normally operates on what […]
Recent studies disprove the cautionary tale of people’s lives going down the tube as a result of winning the lottery.
For the all the hullabaloo that accompanied Deep Blue’s famous triumph over Russian chess grandmaster Gary Kasparov, there remains a strategy game at which humans remain undefeated.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
– Maya Angelou
Plans for humans to leave Earth and colonize new worlds are underway. Scientists in Japan are conducting experiments on mice sperm to see if they survive, and how they are affected, by space travel.
Following up on the post Zero Translation – If you will allow; my thoughts on the recent over-the-top Bloomberg’s China’s War on English – by Dexter Roberts: “Chinese authorities are waging a war […]
If you have an upcoming interview or presentation in front of your colleagues, the best advice is not to “keep calm and carry on,” despite popular wisdom.
It’s one of the great openings in all of American literature: “I celebrate myself, / And what I assume you shall assume, / For every atom belonging to me as […]
If we wanted to know how cold it is now and was in the distant past, how would we figure it out? “Science casts a long black shadow back over who […]