Shame is an all-purpose word these days, but how does that affect the real victims?
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Words of wisdom from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt: “A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.”
Personal attacks on a speaker, especially about their funding, are a sign that the attacker can’t dispute the facts the speaker is presenting. Beware the attacker too.
Vilhelm Hammershøi’s tranquil, yet unsettling interiors make him the most influential artist you’ve never heard of.
In order to bring conflicting countries closer together mentally, experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats wants to bring them closer together physically. He proposes action that would speed up Earth’s tectonic activity and lead to the rapid formation of a new supercontinent.
The death throes of a Sun-like star announce its funeral to the whole galaxy. “The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.”–Rabindranath Tagore Image credit: Adam Block/Mount […]
NASA just posted all 8,400 photos from all 12 Apollo missions to Flickr. Here are the best in full, original resolution. “Suddenly, from behind the rim of the Moon, in […]
Instead of watching a horror movie this season, what if you could be in one?
Can history offer us clues on happiness? Yes, argues Yuval Noah Harari, if we’re willing to listen.
What’s your verdict?
Our Sun gets its energy from fusion in its core. But can any light be made from the surface? “Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn’t people feel as free […]
Words of wisdom from the late playwright: “It is not the literal past, the ‘facts’ of history, that shape us, but images of the past embodied in language.”
Free markets aren’t like gravity. They’re ruled by neither laws of nature nor commandments carved in stone. Delegating our ethics to markets risks costly error. All things are not equally auctionable.
Envy hurts, and it can devolve into nastiness and even violence, but envy can also encourage us to aspire to our better or our best selves at work, school or at home.
It’s been more than three years since we’ve found the Higgs boson. So how does it give particles mass? “This is evidently a discovery of a new particle. If anybody […]
Have we learnt nothing from the racist, ineffective laws that form the basis of America’s longest war: the War on Drugs?
Until the Internet was allowed on commercial flights, the solution to assuage my fear of flying was to find the nearest airport pub and throw a few back before boarding the plane. That’s all changed.
If you’re going for quantity over quality, go lift some weights.
He just wants the best for humanity.
If you saw the lunar eclipse from a city, here’s what you missed. “The reports of the eclipse parties not only described the scientific observations in great detail, but also […]
The world’s first research journal dedicated solely to cryptocurrency launched last month. It’s a sign of the times as academics begin tinkering with the study and theory of digital currency.
What does the art of Andy Warhol tell us about the nature of boredom and the ways we try to escape (and enjoy) it?
100,000 people now die every year due to fake drugs. It is time for the resources wasted on a failed “war on drugs” to be put to good use.
As Snowden’s public profile continues to grow, it will be interesting to see how governments navigate their criticisms of him.
How successful are these drugs in inducing a good night’s sleep – and what are the drawbacks, over time, to using them as sleep aids?
You can get as much done in six hours as you can in eight hours, but with much less wasted time.
Researchers outfitted him with a system that filtered out electrical signals through an algorithm to isolate brain waves dealing with leg movement.
Our sexual attitudes are the exception that proves the rule.
If you remove the media microscope, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah has promise but should have more “with Trevor Noah.”