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Be skeptical of any theory that produces the possibility of time travel, particularly if it relies on wormholes. That’s not a theory based on physical reality, but rather fodder for science fiction writers and television shows.
BEIJING AND SHANGHAI – Every single Western writer in China will face a tough decision in 2014: “Do I translate Chinese terms or not? If negated, this could lead to […]
BEIJING – There are probably as many definitions of ‘genius’ as there are vain, successful people. Yet, not everyone who is vain and successful is a genius; in fact, many […]
On the 60th anniversary of its publication, Lord of the Flies continues to be a valuable literary and cultural reference point and, more surprisingly, an instructive manual about contemporary political life—and its liabilities.
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein: Religious belief is now something that scientists are looking at and trying to explain and I don’t think it’s an accident that the most prominent atheist writers come from the domain of evolutionary psychology. 
Shunryu Suzuki’s role in spreading Zen Buddhism in America cannot be understated. While he never accomplished the widespread recognition that another Suzuki, Daisetz, achieved a half-century before Shunryu’s arrival in […]
“Hence the competition […] was sharp between book and book, brain and brain, constituting […] almost a gladiatorial spectacle for the entertainment of the sophisticated.” –A. R. Hall, Philosophers at […]