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nHere are my notes from Alan November’s keynote today at ITEC 2008 in Des Moines. ITEC is Iowa’s statewide educational technology conference so it’s always a good time. I actually […]
“Much of the discussion about torture concentrates on the moral and ethical dilemmas involved, but…these arguments…are irrelevant if torture doesn’t work in the first place.”
Aggressive campaigns by colleges to boost their number of applicants gives the impression of exclusivity, but is this statistical allure harmful to education? Many say, ‘Yes’.
“Although in vitro fertilization has brought joy to many families, the Nobel Prize for its co-developer is also a reminder of the bioethical questions raised by IVF technology.”
“Any gamer, or parent of a gamer, will know the feeling. There’s a boss that just can’t be defeated.” A gamer and father on whether discovering a game’s secrets online is cheating.
Columbia professor of philosophy Akeel Bilgrami asks why we read literature when it contains information more readily found in non-fiction journals. The answer is in the medium’s pathos.