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You searched for: Frogs

“What’s the difference between a frog, a chicken, a mouse and a human? Not as much as you’d think, according to an analysis of the first sequenced amphibian genome.”
A new U.N. report says that one in three plant and animal species face extinction given the rate of human production and consumption.
Suspended animation, where an animal’s metabolism is slowed to seeming death, is no longer the stuff of Star Trek, says scientist Mark Roth who is pioneering research into it.
Toads anticipate the timing and impact of their landings in the same way that humans do, according to a new paper called “Do toads have a jump on how far they hop…”
Toads have “taken over” almost all of the modern world after an ancestral mutation allowed the creatures to thrive under drier conditions that their amphibian peers.
Online dating companies are getting more technical in their match-making abilities including matching couples based on genetic markers of the immune systems.
What impact will Disney’s first black princess have on kids? The Independent’s Paul McKenzie asks why even watching the advert has got his daughter so excited.
10 Billion Beats is a non-commercial Global Intention Event that will use drumming to send a wave of positive intention around the world. Starting in Central Kansas, it will follow the sun through the time zones at 7:00 PM on Sept. 18, 2009. (Sept. 19 as it crosses the dateline)